What each sign feel and think after being broken ????

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Aries :- excuse me I am the one hurting everyone ... DON'T ASSSSK MEEEE!!!!!!!

Cancer :- I am strong I don't need anyone to help me if you Throw me down k get up on my own.

Virgo :- I am ok don't worry about me I am fine but deep down my heart is aching .

Scorpio :- I am tough that's how I put it ..... But I wish I could tell u when I break nothing can stop my tears and the strongest thing I have ever done is stay alive when I  wanted to die ....

Capricorn :- I am okay I am not hurt then y r tears not stopping .....

Aquarius :- it would be fine it would be over soon ...... Just stop fucking crying pls..

Libra  :- why r u so mean? U know my heart can't hold ur bullying... Crying till the end ...

Leo :- try to be strong and act strong but think about suicide all the time.

Pisces :- it's ok I will be fine don't very about me ...

Sagittarius :-  laughs and pretend nothing is wrong and as soon as the people are gone cries and cries.

Gemini :- Runs away grabs a gun and think there life is over and done.

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