my new clothes! ^,^

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I don't own Naruto.

Iochi pov:

My new clothes from the tailer are finally finished!!! Yay!!

My (in the picture (I drew it)) is finally finished!!! I get seven of them, just a little bit bigger than me, so as ta grow in to them. =)

Right now I'm trying them on... the tailers assistant... forgot the name, is tieing my hair in two buns... (picture)

As I came out, Mika started to Squeel... it was scary... She glomped meh! "My new clothes!!! There awesome!!!" My face - ^,^

Mika Chan smiled, before saying, "ok Iochi, let's go home so we can continue your study's, maybe even, oh I don't know, play Ninja!"

So we went home. I was writing out words and pronouncing them to myself. After that, she took me out side to the small training grounds...

She showed me how to hold them, and how to throw them... She didn't tell me how to aim them so I decided to just see if throwing with my eye line would work.

It hit near the centre of the target. First shot.

Mika Chan started to clap, an whistle, then I threw another one. This time it hit the dead centre... Well now... Mika Chan hugged me.

After that, we played hide and seek. Of course I told her not to go easy on me in this game, just to prove my point, I hid first.

After half an hour of looking an not finding... She gave up.

"How did you hide with out making a sound... and suppress your presence?" She asked.

"I wasn't suppressing anything. I was allowing my presence to relax with the forest around it.... essentially my presence was blending in with the life force of the forest... as for no sound, I was moving with the air." I explained.

She smiled softly. Next she hid.... I found her in about two minutes... She was hiding behind a tarp against the fence...

We eventually gave up on that game.... I was just too good at it.

Later she had to go to the Hokage office for a meeting or something...

So I just continued to play out in the forest, until that is, I felt a presence in the ground.

"You can come out you know, not even the most skilled of Ninja can avoid being detected by me..." I started.

Then a half white, half black man with green hair and a venous fly trap on his shoulders out of the ground. I smiled at him.

"Hi!!! I'm Iochi! And you are...?" I asked.

"Brat.Hi were Zetsu." They said.

"Well it's nice to meet you both! And from what I can tell, the forest is happy your here... are you friends with all of these plants of the forest?" I asked.

His eyes widened, and he blinked a few times. "Y-yes... we are brat." They replied.

"Zetsu... you seem like light and dark trapped together. Just like me... I have a sick twisted genjutsu I use on annoying dogs... and yet I can't hert kittens." I said.

They seemed genuinely surprised, "really... pour dogs...they get what they deserve. Still... we're cannibals, so don't judge. Oh, your just too crul!" This self argument went on for a little bit...

"You argue like an old married couple does..." I stated.

"Wait... your still here? You must be stupid, we eat people." They said.

"Look Zetsu. In the grand scheme of things, we're all cannibals. Plants eat dead animal nutrients, animals eat plants, humans often die all over the place, so really were just eating and re-eating the dead." I stated with out thought.

They just looked at me a little funny. "Ok, fair enough... weird little brat... to bad, we have to go anyway." They said and left via sinking into the ground...

Before his head disappeared completely I looked at him and raised my hand in a wave as I said, "good bye Zetsu, it was fun." I did a closed eyes smile and I too took my leave.

When I got home the sun was setting and Mika had just got back, we had home made ramen for dinner and went to bed.

(To be continued...)

I am Iochi Sorra Umai.Where stories live. Discover now