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i get back into my car and enter the address into google maps. the directions along with the estimated driving time pop up. it reads 30 minutes, not bad at all. i should have jack gilinsky in my hands by 3:00p.m. this is what ive been waiting for.

i drive down a long, empty road. the pounding in my head is louder than the music blaring from my car radio. my sick mind accompanies me on this long journey of finding a criminal, it sits in the passenger seat. my thoughts overflow my head, they come out every time i breathe, filling the air like a heavy smoker's car.

jack has bad intentions, some already put into action. its crazy to think that i was head over heels in love with him just last week. i wonder if he knew i liked him the way i did, i wonder if he liked me back. the worst part is, i might still love him, maybe i love him more for what he did. he abolished the people bringing me abuse and sadness in my life. thanks to him, im on this journey, he brought excitement to my life. how many ordinary, not government people can say they've been on a road trip to find a criminal?

im so caught up in my head i haven't came to realize whats in front of me. im parked in front of jacks "hiding place" or whatever. im here, hes here, we are here, and i have him. the house is old, it looks abandon but, i mean, if i was in hiding i wouldn't really stay in a high class mansion either so it makes sense why he picked such an old, rustic looking home.

i turn my car off and get out. sighing deeply, i shut my the door. i walk over to the house and soon reach the front door. after fiddling with the knob for some time, i finally get in. the second i walk through the door, the floor boards creak. theres nothing but the old, dusty floor and i spiral staircase leading up the stairs.

i call out, "jack! jack! are you here, babe?" no answer. i go up the stairs and am led into a room with a cradle and an open window, "jack!" i yell out, still no answer.

i make it two the next room, it has a bed, an open window and a side table with a lamp on top of it. the lamp is lit and there is a book on the bed. i open it and the first page reads, "for grace."

i turn the page and its a photo of my mom and i in the hospital.

the next page is a photo of my father holding me. the next page is a picture of sam in the hospital, this one is dated. the date was from yesterday. sam. whats wrong with him. oh, that poor thing.

i flip the page and there is a small paragraph, "sam was put into the hospital. he overdosed, he said he felt alone, sad, so he tried to kill himself. i know its hard to hear but, itll be okay, babygirl. -jack" a tear falls onto the page and i stick the book into my bag.

the next room had a desk and a chair in the corner and an open window. there was a note on the desk. it read, "grace, as you see, im no longer hiding here. i doubt youll ever catch me, babygirl. im just to good, too fast for you, princess. 9283 oakwood road. -jack."

fucking asshole.

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