Cameron grabbed her hand, and glanced at her momentarily. He thought she was so beautiful. He loved how she felt so free just riding down the road, even when she was about to give away her whole entire life for him.

On terms with Jacob, things were at a mutual. No contact at all, was their mutual agreement. Cameron was okay with that, he was just worried it would affect Kirsten. He pulled into the airport, and got out to open Kirsten's door. They grabbed their bags, and walked hand in hand to the terminal.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." Kirsten said. She giggled a little, and smiled widely at Cameron. He couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm glad you're doing it. I can't imagine going back without you."

The intercom called for their flight, and instead of Cameron walking alone to the plane this time, it was the both of them together.

They sat in their seats, and Kirsten laid her head on his shoulder and peacefully fell asleep. He thought now was the perfect time to write her a letter. He was going to use this to ask her to be his girlfriend again, since they had never really made it official.

Dear Kirsten,

What a roller coaster we've been through these past few months. As you lay here on my shoulder I can't help but watch you sleep, and to smile, because I am so lucky.

I never would've imagined I would have someone like you in my life. You make me realize just how important a person can be in my life, and just how easy it is to lose that person.

I know I said I wouldn't ask you to take me back, but I seem to go back on my word a lot! I hope you'd wanna be my girlfriend again, I couldn't imagine us any other way.

Always & forever, writing letters,
Cameron Dallas

He placed his pen back into his small backpack. He folded the paper, and stuck it into her fingers. 

He then laid his head into hers, and slept the whole flight home.


"Attention all passengers, we are now landing."

The intercom overhead the plane, woke Cameron out of a deep sleep.

"Yes." Kirsten said smiling.

Cameron looked at her confused and sleepy as ever "Wait what?"

"Yes. I'll be your girlfriend."

He smiled, and gently kissed her lips. "I'm glad that was your answer. Probably would've cried if you would've said no."

They both laughed, and when the plane landed they again, walked hand in hand to his car.

"So where are we going?" Kirsten asked.

"Well I imagined, we'd go to the apartment first, get you settled in, and then I think my mom wanted to have you over for dinner."

She tensed up a little. She would be meeting his family officially for the first time.

"Don't look so pale," he laughed,"I promise you'll love them."

They arrived at the apartment, and Cameron helped Kirsten to carry all of her things in.

"And here's the guest room, and the bathroom, and oh! The kitchen! Gotta love that!"

He was absolutely blissful that she was going to be staying with him. He was like a little kid in a candy shop, and Kirsten couldn't help but laugh at him.

"What's so funny?" He asked.


"What did I even do??" He asked cluelessly.

"You're just so happy."

"Of course I am", he said," you're here. Why wouldn't I be?"

He smirked. Kirsten knew moving in with him, would be one of the best decisions she ever made.

"NOW GO GO! Go get a shower! We're going to moms in a few!"

"You're calling me dirty?" Kirsten said playfully.

"Well no! I just.. Don't most girls take showers?"

His innocent voice made her laugh until she couldn't breathe. She went to the guest room, gathered her clothes, and stepped into the bathroom to take a shower.

"TOWELS ARE UNDER THE SINK!" Cameron yelled to her.

She laughed to herself. This was going to be the best thing that ever happened to her.


A/N! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 100 READS! I hope you guys are enjoying it! Make sure to vote and comment if you'd like! Thank you!

Xoxo blushingcam ☺️😚

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