A look into the past: The curse of a Thousand Deaths

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Maydeen and Erak were walking behind Tomis's trail of dead or injured men, towards the cell that was holding the Elementalist Teron. At the end of the long hall, there it was, but something was wrong the door was open Teron was kneeling in front of a man right before he thrust his arm into her chest and pulled out the roots of life that were once keeping Teron alive. Then the vine Elementalist collapsed and the man was left holding, what was the human equivalent to her heart.

May was frozen but only for a moment, "TERON NO!" Maydeen's shriek cracked the stone walls and ceiling. The man with Teron's heart in his hands simply crumbled as his veins burst. May ran to Teron's body, Saroff was unconscious, his tail and legs were twitching but he was alive.

"Teron?" May knelt beside her friend and gathered her in her arms, "Teron? No Ter, Teron!" She was growing desperate while everything around her was shaking and collapsing, stones cracked and fell around her.

"Maydeen we need to go!" Erak had followed her he was picking up Saroff.

"I will make the little twit pay for this."Maydeen stood up her emotions and the elements no longer under control. She walked as the walls crumbled around her and shaped themselves into solid stone Elementals that followed her, interfering when those few people tried to stop her.

Then she found him, the runt of a prince, by then she nearly had an army of Elementals.

JanzMer's eyes were smug until he noticed the fire dancing up her legs and stone behind her.

"You sorry coward of a prince, you killed Teron!" Her voice was as a dragon's, and dripping with the threat of death. "Now I will do worse to you." The air began to freeze, and electricity crackled through the air.

"W..worse?" He attempted a laugh but it was stiff and choppy, "h..h ow?" The ignorant boy's voice was shaking with fear, and rightfully so.

"Did you think I was lying when I said I would tear out your heart?" She growled and walked closer, the guards tried to stop her, but to no avail the Elements got to them before they got to her.

Maydeen was close enough to see the sweat on his brow, he was just a boy but he was still as guilty as the man who tore out Teron's life. "Today is the day you die, but death will not come." Her movement was smooth as her left hand went straight through his chest to his beating heart. "I take your heart and give it to the Earth you are not worthy of living in. However you will live as long as my anger is residing in my heart, this curse of a thousand deaths will never let you find peace."

His face was pale as his hand weakly landed on her arm, until she ripped it from his chest and tossed his beating heart into the hole she summoned in the ground. He fell at the same time, Sarkayet huffed.

"Well my dear looks like Kantoe was right, you shouldn't lose control." He stated coldly as he watched JanzMer's empty chest slowly heal up, "The curse of a Thousand Deaths, never heard of it."

"That's because it didn't exist until now." May looked down at her bloody hand and inwardly shivered. I am a monster. She thought in horror.

"Miss Maydeen?" It was still Sarkayet, he hadn't run away yet.

She didn't look up "What?"

"What exactly does this curse intel?"

"I don't know I guess I will make it up as the years go," She paused, "but I do know that he will die and he will feel the pain as death takes him." Maydeen turned, the Elementals were still there, but she walked passed them to the hall "I suggest you take him and get out, this place is about to collapse."

Sarkayet looked around "Think it will stand for at least another year" he stated.

"Not after I tear it down." May grunted and as she left the Elementals began tearing apart the walls and pulling down the ceiling, then she heard it collapse as she glided back to the cell.

The Legend of Maydeen: Daughter of NatureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang