Prologue A story within a story

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  Centuries ago a child was born this child was blessed with extraordinary powers. No one knows how this child came to have these uncanny abilities only why. They know the legend, and some know the truth...

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                  Maydeen sat on the grassy ground and bathed in the sunlight her skin was warm to the tough yet she didn’t burn, she never burned not by fire or sun. Nor did any other Elements harm her. Maydeen’s peaceful afternoon was interrupted, angry villagers, they were yelling as they walked towards her father’s house. She scrambled onto her belly hiding in the long grass and listened.

                  “Saroff! We’ve had enough of this!” Maydeen recognized the voice it was Tra’On the village butcher. “Those half brained Elementals are ruining our livestock, and our crops they have to go.”

                  “Now, now lets all just try to calm down.” Saroff, Maydeen’s father, his voice was soothing to his hiding daughter, but was wasted on the others.

                  “Calm down! How dare you, tryin’ to tell us to calm down,” Marfis the tailor. “Those bleedin’ tree trunks ain’t got no business in our town,”

                  “Aye they take all our water and scare our children,” That voice was unknown.

                  “And they have their way with our woman.” Maydeen didn’t know what Krege meant by that but her father had had enough.

                  “Alright now that is enough why do you say the Elementals are, having their way with our woman.” Saroff was hesitant when repeating these words.

                  “I’ve seen the little beasts wondering about our roads they are terrible and evil.” Krege was the town drunk and often told tall tales, but the villagers seemed to believe this strange story.

                  “Krege have you been drinking the Bayofe brew again?” Saroff asked.

                  “Well…I…that doesn’t matter! The point is the Elements have to go!”

                  “Why? Why do you have a problem with the Elementals? You seem to not care for the others that take refuge in our small Village, yet you complain about the ones who are peaceful.”

                  “It’s because the Elementals are capable of over ruling you isn’t it?”

                  The voice came from behind the crowd and Maydeen recognized it instantly, Amrvex, the Elemental Enchantress.

                  “Do you really hate us so or is it that you are afraid of us?” Amrvex’s spoke smoothly and Maydeen couldn’t help lifting her head so that her eyes peered over the grass. “You let the Owls in… Skiktrend… Even the Wolves, Why do you hate the Elementals?”

                  “You don’t belong with humans!” Tra’On shouted and pushed through the crowd towards Amrvex. “Why should we have to suffer for what you did to the Jarl? The ruler of our country has made it clear that anyone who brings in a user of magic will be rewarded handsomely, and he has a special honor for those who bring him Elementals.” Tra’On now stood face to face with Amrvex yet spoke loudly to the crowd. “I say we bring all of you! All the Elementals that reside in our town!”

                  “You would do that? Send our children and Elderly to be slaughtered? Are you that cruel?” Amrvex seemed awfully calm for the situation. Maydeen decided to get a closer look so she slid on her belly inching closer.

The Legend of Maydeen: Daughter of NatureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz