A look into the past The Bandit leader

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Sarkayet had placed Maydeen on a soft, hay filled cushion, and May had found herself sleeping in his surprisingly strong yet gentle arms.

When May had opened her eyes she found that she was in a big tent, with her hands tied and someone lying beside her. The body was softly breathing; May turned and was surprised to see a man with raven black hair. His eyes were closed and his skin was pale, his red lips moved as if he was dreaming.

Maydeen was staring at him so intently that is only noticed his arm when it tightened around her waist as he moved. She looked at the arm and quickly shoved herself away, May suddenly found herself on the ground. She stared up at the bed as the man as he sat up slowly, he looked down at her.

“Is there a problem?” He asked, a charming half-smile came to his lips, “do you not like close contact?”

“I’m not too fond of being so close to someone I don’t know.”  May looked around the tent, she was suddenly aware of the missing presence of Erak. She had only known him for about a week, but for an unknown reason, May felt so vulnerable without him.

“Your Bodyguard is outside.” The man said his eyes were still boring into her face. “Are you worried about him?” He asked easily.

“No, he is a man that can take care of himself, I am, however, worried about my panther.”

“Panther?” He thought about it for a minute, “Oh you mean, the Giant Black Panther?” May nodded once, “Right, don’t worry about him,” he moved his feet off the side of the bed walked over to May and held out his hand.

May stood on her own. “Where is Saroff?’ She asked looking at her tied hands.

“They are out there, are you sure you want to go out.” His question was in vain as May already lifted the tent flap, and headed out.

“Take me to them.” She said walking away.

“Alright,” he grabbed her elbow and led her through the camp. May did her best to ignore the eerie wanting stares from the bandits; she was almost glade to have the other man here warding off the creeps. “So what is your name girly?” He asked gently.

 “Maydeen Norel, now that you know my name care to tell me yours?”

 He chuckled, “Where are my manners? My name is Sarkayet.”

 “Figures, I recognized your voice from last night,” May’s eyes caught on one particular bandit; he was glaring at her with hating eyes.

“Here we are,” Sarkayet approached a big opening in the trees, and in that opening sat two cages joined together. Erak was sitting in the farthest corner of one, with Saroff on his lap both were sleeping. Maydeen gasped when she seen the bruising on Erak’s arms face and neck, those scars didn’t seem to compare to the open skin. Gashes up and down his torso, Saroff wasn’t much better off.

“Erak, Saroff.” Maydeen pulled herself away from Sarkayet and ran towards the cage, “let me in.” She said to the bars, the metal bent and she pushed her way through. When she was in Saroff lifted his head and growled, there was something wrong with his eyes, he couldn’t see her. “Saroff,” she said gently as she extended her hand and placed in on his nose, she did what she had done in the forest when they had first picked up their Panther friend. May lowered Saroff’s head to the ground “what have they done to you?” 

“Half-blood?” Erak questioned quietly, “What are you doing in the cage?” He tried to sit up all the way, but his arms buckled and he slouched once more. “They didn’t hurt my bounty did they?”

“That is so touching, I am glad you are so worried about your precious bounty.” Maydeen grumbled sitting next to him and pulling him into a comfortable sitting position. “And not only that you still call me Half-blood.”

The Legend of Maydeen: Daughter of NatureWhere stories live. Discover now