I kissed both my mum and dad and the doctor came back in "ma'am we need to have you examined to Uh make sure everything is okay..." He trailed off which basically meant they need to figure out how the fuck I came back

"Of course" I sighed my parents left and the boys stayed for a second "we are so happy you're here kacey" Louis came and. Hugged me "I wasn't going anywhere, not without you guys" I smiled at all of them including the Canadian in the background

"You had us all worried and distressed" Niall gave me the weakest smile I cupped his cheek with my hand "I'm sorry, to all of you I'm sorry" I sighed

"We love you kacey..." Zayn smirked and hugged me, which Niall followed then Louis and Liam and justin and lastly Harry

"I love you all too" I said feeling the tears well up in my eyes.

They all backed away and smiled one by one they went out the door and waved goodbye, I'm sure they all wanted to sleep seeing as they've been stuck here.

"Excuse me miss," I called a nurse inside my room.

"Yes dear" she asked

"What happened, I mean why am I here?" I asked a dumb question. I mean I knew but I wanted to know if maybe there was a SMALL chance I was wrong.

"Dear you were brutally attacked" she tilted her head and pionted to my arms, covered in white bandages

"Did he well you know attack me in "that way..." I trailed off. I felt a new set of tears prick at my eyes.

"Yes dear, he did." And that's when the tears fell. I wasn't myself anymore. I'm not me anymore, I'm his.

The lady rubbed my back and sighed "it's okay dear you'll make it through. Lots of people love you they'll help you through it darling." She continued to trace circles as I cried and cried.

"Thank you ma'am" I calmed myself and she nodded and walked out. Why on earth did I deserve this.

I stood up and walked over to the door and stood there until a doctors came by and led me down the hall to get examined

When we walked to the elevator I passed my family- yes Im calling them family because that's what's they are without them lord knows where'd i be.

I saw harry and he immediately smiled and mouthed an "i love you" which I most certainly returned and continued down the hall. I mean no matter how bad this whole thing is at least I have him.


*****3 weeks later*****

"TONIGHT LETS GET SOME! AND LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG!" Their voice screamed through the intense intense speakers

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" The crowd screamed I smiled at them even though I wasn't up there.

"Thank you LA!" Liam yelled making me smile because he was so happy to be here in the staples center

"Goodnight!" They screamed once more in unison. And they bowed while the fans continued to scream their bloody heads off.

Once the lights blacked out they all came running off stage and Harry came up to me and opened his arms "okay let me hear it?" He closed his eyes waiting for his compliment

"You sucked really bad haz..." I trailed off.

"You're kidding.. Right?" He raised an eyebrow which made me burst out laughing

"Of course I am babe" I smiled walking to him.

"Oh just kiss me, Birthday Girl" he smiled and I leaned up kissing him as he told me to do.

"Ayo love birds it's time to partaaaayyyy" Lou danced in the background "har har okay" Harry rolled his eyes. I backed up and followed Louis out. Which Harry followed me.

We got in the car same old routine as we've done. Load up get all snug and take a 20 minute trip back home.

I was glancing out the window when suddenly my stomach started to act up and I felt overly sick.

"You okay there kac?" Niall saw my reaction "yeah just stomach ache I'm good" I smiled it off.

Once we pulled into the hotel harry walked me, along with the other boys back to my room.

"After you my lady" Harry held the door. I walked in and switched on the lights

"SURPRISE!!!!" I heard everyone yell, and by everyone I mean everyone from mum and dad to Elle and dani, and everyone else

"You guys is This for me?!" I smiled and laughed at the same time.

"Of course! You're 18 now it's about time to party!" My best friends voice scared me " my god court!" I chirped "you're here!" I hugged her to death "I wouldn't miss it for the world!" She smiled

"And it's cake time!!" Zayns voice echoed and out he walked with a gigantic pink cake

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear kacey happy birthday toooooooo youuuuuu" they all screamed

I looked over at my boyfriend who smiled and whispered in my ear "make a wish love" and I did just that. I blew out the candles and everyone clapped.

But something made all the fun go away. "Shit" I whispered under my breath

"Kacey what's wrong?" Harry asked I looked over at him and started for a second "Harry I'm gonna get-" I stopped myself and ran to the bathroom and slammed the door.

Ran to the loo and threw up all that was inside my belly.

"What the hell?"I asked myself

"Kacey can I come in" it was Harry

"Haz don't worry don't come in I'm fine I don't want you to see me like this" I said whipping my lips. But still not moving

The door still opened and there was harry. He bent down and rubbed my back in circles.

"Are you okay babe" he asked softly

"Yeah I'm fine maybe it was just food I ate." I tried to write it off.

"Are you sure?" He asked even softer "yes of course-- haz?" I asked as my eyes widened

"Yes love" he asked getting concerned

"It's the 15th-" I started "yes it's your birthday and?" He asked confused now

"Haz, haz I'm late." I said softly

"Wait what?!" He screamed "oh my god I'm late!" I freaked out and grabbed my stomach

"But kacey we didn't-" he started "Harry, I-" I said softly

"What about Nicolas." I said even softer

"Oh my god" he said looking me in the eyes

"Oh my god" I repeated. Shit.



Hi guys!!!! Hope everyone is having an AMAZAYN summer <-- see what I did there? Hahaha

Okay well.... There's only one more chapter left guys :( only ONE!!! D;

However since you guys asked I will be writing a sequel so no need to cry!!!! :)

Thank you so much for the thousands of reads Oh my gawdddd ^-^ thank you all!!!

Remember to vote, comment, fan whatever :)

Have a great day! Or night... Depends where you are! :) love you all!


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