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Rogue's POV

I lie on the cold floor, as my body continued to ache.

Weisslogia just kept using his attacks and magic against me. He was much stronger than me, and there was no point in fighting back. I just let him attack me.

I think I've been lying here for hours now.

It's really dark and lonely in here.

I needed light. I needed Sting.

I barely lift up my head when I heard Sting's voice.

He was arguing with Weisslogia.

"What do you want? What did you do to Rogue?!" I heard Sting shout.

"Why did you lie to me?! Why did you attack me?! And let me get to Rogue! What did you do to him?!" I hear Sting again.

"Since when have you become so weak...? You are crying over the enemy, Sting. He belongs to Skiadrum. Do you not know that by now?!" Weisslogia yells.

Sting was anything but weak.

"He is not the enemy. Skiadrum isn't neither. You started all of this!"

"You let go of Rogue when I gave you the chance to kill him. And you let him go! That is what really upset me. Why? Why did you do that? Why do you care about him so much?" He roars.

He actually had a point. Sting still let me go.

"Because he makes me forget about this whole war thing! Because he makes me look forward to the next day! Because he makes me feel stronger and happy! And because– and because I love him! I love Rogue, Dad!"

My eyes filled up with tears when he said that.


I hear small, quick footsteps, and I immediately knew it was Sting.

I hear him desperately calling for me.

I could only whisper back. I was hurting everywhere.

Sting stops in front of the rusted metal bars.

Sting just started bawling when he saw me.

He takes out a key and he starts violently shaking the door open.

The key was probably from earlier when he lets me go the first time.

I softly smile at the memory of him taking me out to those woods, and then him taking me to that pond, and then him confessing.

He quickly sits down to help me sit straight up. He moves my hair that covered one of my eyes to the side, to take a closer look at the newly formed scar on my nose.

"Sting, I–" I got cut off when I suddenly feel Sting carry me. Some of his tears landed on my chest, but I didn't care.

"What did he do to you?" He sobbed as he buries his head into my messy hair.

"He was too strong... I couldn't fight back..." I said weakly.

"You're hurt, Rogue," I hear Sting say.

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