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Sting's POV

I feel my heart race faster and faster as I run and call Rogue's name.

I could barely hear him.

"Sting?!" I heard faintly.

It calmed me down a bit to hear his voice, but I still had to find him.

I just ran straight ahead.

Ugh, why didn't I tell him earlier?!

Then Dad probably wouldn't be around here.

Hopefully he didn't find Rogue yet.

I then feel my heart sink when I heard a scream. Rogue's scream.


I immediately sprint towards the sound, Rogue's familiar scent slowly becoming stronger.

I ran even faster now, ignoring my aching legs, and I suddenly bump into someone.

I look up, kinda expecting to see Dad, but it was actually one of his men.

"Where's Rogue?!" I hiss as my hand is engulfed by my white magic.

He just shakes his head, and I hear a deep, but familiar voice behind me.

"I'm sorry, but we must do this," he says.

"Wait, wha–" I was able to say before I felt a surge of power, magic, hit me from behind. I slowly lose my consciousness, but I was able to look behind me. There stood two other men. One that looked similar from earlier.

But the magic wasn't from him.

Beside him, I barely got to see who it was. But I recognized his bright white wings right away. And he was also carrying a limp body.

My vision becomes blurry, but I was able to make out who it was he was carrying.

It was just a dark, almost black blur, but I knew it was Rogue.

"... Dad...?" I whisper as I feel myself fall.

I feel my eyes slowly close as I continued to fall, and as I watch Dad and his men turn around, making their way back home.

"...Rogue..." I managed to whisper out loud as I feel myself hit the damp ground.


I slowly open my eyes and looked around, viewing the leaves and trees around me.

Wait. Trees? Leaves?

Wait. What happened?!

I quickly sit up, and I hiss in pain as I feel a rush of pain in my neck and back. I look at my wings for a second. I expected to see that familiar light glow, but instead, they were covered in dirt, and I spotted a few scratches as well. They also feel pretty sore.

I stand up, and I look around me.

Wait, where the heck is the sun???

I look up, peeking through the trees and leaves, and saw the stars.

Wait. Stars?!

How long have I been out?!

And where's Rogue?!

Of course Dad had to attack me. And take Rogue. Who knows what he would be doing to Rogue right now!

My back and wings were just too sore, so I just had to run back home.

Either way, I had to find Rogue quick.

The cool air rushes through me as I run, almost like how it felt when I was flying with Rogue.

I stop at the thought.

I feel my knees give out, and I collapse on the ground. I choke out a sob, almost a dragon-like one, as I suddenly replay the memory of Dad attacking me, and taking Rogue away, when he was right there, and when I still had a chance to save him.

If I came just a little earlier, this wouldn't have happened.

I'd I just warned him earlier, he'd still be safe.

I had to get back home. I could probably still save Rogue.

I wipe my tears away, and I continued to run towards home.

I barge into the castle, ignoring the guards around. I was kinda expecting that Dad would be sitting in his usual spot: his throne or a table nearby discussing a plan against the Shadow Realm.

But he wasn't.

He might be in the dungeon. With Rogue.

I run towards the stairway, but then I see Dad walking back up alongside his men.

He shot me a cold glare. It was terrifying.

Man, if looks could kill, I'd be dead. No, like, I'd be dead, then my dead body would be dead too.

I was gonna push through them, but Dad stopped me.

"What do you want?" I hiss. "What did you do to Rogue?!"

I feel myself weaken as I feel tears threatening to spill.

"I thought I told you to not go to those woods again!" Dad shouted.

"Why did you lie to me?! Why did you attack me?! And let me get to Rogue! What did you do to him?!"

"Since when have you become so weak...? You are crying over the enemy, Sting. He belongs to Skiadrum. Do you not know that by now?!"

"He is not the enemy. Skiadrum isn't neither. You started all of this!"

"You let go of Rogue when I gave you the chance to kill him. And you let him go! That is what really upset me. Why? Why did you do that? Why do you care about him so much?" He roars.

"Because he makes me forget about this whole war thing! Because he makes me look forward to the next day! Because he makes me feel stronger and happy! And because– and because I love him! I love Rogue, Dad!" I feel myself taking short, quick breaths as even more tears spill.

I couldn't even look at him in the eye.

Dad didn't say anything, but I hear him let out a frustrated sigh as he stomps away.

I quickly get up and ran down the staircase.

I repeatedly call out Rogue's name, desperate for him to answer.

I searched for him in every cell, and I could barely hear Rogue calling for me.

He sounded scared, and hurt.

I found the cell where Rogue was in.

I froze when I saw him.

He looked terrible.

He was just lying there on the floor. He was all bruised, scratched up, his black wings that used to shine and absorb the light were scratched and they looked like they were torn. There were cuts everywhere all over him. There was now a scar across the bridge of his nose.

What the hell did he do to you, Rogue?
Long time no see

I'm Skippy and I like warm hugs


If there's typos I'm sorreh I'm just kinda rushing through this to get this up

I do not own Fairy Tail, the almighty Hiro Mashima does ^_^

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