I turned my gaze away when Potter looked up and his eyes met with mine. I felt grateful for Potter and I also felt slightly bashful to allow Potter to see that I was grateful that he had once again saved the Wizarding World. Instead, I saw an Auror coming towards me, his wand at the ready and his hard jaw set in a ferocious glare. Panicking, I looked round and saw Potter approaching me.

"Hand over your wand and put your hands above your head," the Auror barked at me.

Scared, with trembling hands I reached into my pocket for my wand. Then Potter stood in front of me, blocking the path between the Auror and myself. "That won't be necessary," Potter said firmly. I was shocked. Potter defending me? 

"What do you mean Mr. Potter?"

"I would like Malfoy to be let off any sentence. He is innocent. I can prove it with pensieve and veritaserum. He did not fight with Voldemort." All I could think of was 'whoa!' Was I dreaming?

"But we still have some measures that we need to take and..."

"Never mind those. You have my word for it."

The Auror nodded and walked off. 

"Thank you," I whispered, still in a state of shock. 

Potter turned around to face me and chuckled while running a hand through his black messed up hair. "Well, you better not let me down Malfoy or the ministry are going to hate me," he joked.

I grinned. Not sneered, not smirked. I gave a wholehearted grin. "Don't worry Potter, you can count on me."

Potter gave me a smile and a nod and walked away towards the Gryffindor Common Room.

I am beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring me down

I am beautiful in every single way

Yes words can't bring me down

So don't you bring me down today

I like to think that I do have some good in me. A spark that can help to enlighten the magical world. That can enlighten me as a person. 

The Daily Prophet obviously published an article about the battle - it was big news. Rita Skeeter, that ghastly woman, also dug through lots of resources until she finally found the gossip that claimed why I wasn't sent to Azkaban along with the other death eaters. Potter, being my new acquaintance (my closest thing to a friend), had done an interview where he kindly helped to clear my name from Skeeter's cruel judgments. Potter told the wizarding world that I was good. That I had changed sides. That I hadn't turned Harry in while at my manor. I owed him.

However, that didn't stop the evil glares, physical assaults and verbal threats that I got when I walked around anywhere. It was ironic how these actions that I would do to others had turned on me. But I ignored them. I now met with Potter a lot. It was just him I talked to nowadays. He started off only coming to see me to make sure I kept to my word. However, from then, a sort of friendship and understanding was formed. Potter helped me to piece my life back together. He showed me the light of starting a new life. We wouldn't mention it but we knew we were there for each other. We both understood what each of us were going through. However close we had become, we found it difficult to call each other by the given first name. Bursts of laughter broke out when we first attempted it. What can I say? Old habits die hard.

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