King of Hearts Ch. 16

Start from the beginning

"And you are?" I said wearily. Why did Jack leave me alone again? To go get a club? If he had waited a few minutes...they would have come to him.

"I'm the Jack of Clubs. My name is Shade. You may call me Kieran," he said softly and I had to lean in to hear him.

"And your name?" I asked the girl and she shrugged.

"My name's Dance. You can call me Erin," she said cheerfully and I sighed. The names some of these Royals came up with. Dance? Really?

"Have you seen me dance?" She piped up and I shook my head. Her green eyes widened shoving her eyebrows into her fiery hair and into her crown tattoo that pronounced she was a queen.

"Then you should watch me," She grinned and pushed me onto the couch. The dark man sat next to me without so much of the rustling of his clothes.

"Would you like some music?" He suggested and she nodded wildly.

"That would be great," she said enthusiastically and a smile tugged at the edges of his lips. Soft slow music started up from nowhere and it surrounded my senses.

"You're going to like this," He said calmly to me and I looked over at him. He was watching the Queen like an idol and I smiled. He was probably biased.

There are very few ways to describe how she moved. I could say she was like water with the liquidation she had with her movements. I could say that she was like a tiger with her litheness. I could say that she looked like a goddess with the way she entranced her audience. However, I can't say any of that because she was all of it. She moved like nothing else on this earth. Her dance made tears come to my eyes and a smile to my lips. It may sound cheesy but if you saw the way she moved you would agree with me. The instant she stopped I regretted her lack of movement.

"So you see why I'm called dance?" she said not even panting and I nodded wiping my face. A white handkerchief appeared from under my nose and I took it from Kieran.

"Thanks," I whispered and wiped the salty tears from my skin. It took me a moment before I could speak again.

"Yeah I see. I just wish that I could learn how to move that way," I admitted and she grinned happily at me and clapped her hands together.

"I can teach you!" she exclaimed and I smiled woefully.

"I don't know. I mean I'm just not able to..." I began and she pulled me to my feet and placed her hands on my arms and raised them to the sky.

"Palms flat! We're going to do the basics first! If I'm going to teach you, then you need to stop doubting yourself. That's the only way you can dance perfectly!" She scolded and I gapped at her astounded.

"Ready?" she asked and spread out her arms and motioned for me to mimic her. "Now, make sure you're back's straight!" The day past quickly with me being distracted by the Hearts Queen. By the end of the day, my body hurt in places that I didn't even know existed but I was happily tired and grinned at my new found friends from the couch.

"Why did you approach me with that weird costume anyway?" I asked taking a gulp of water. Who knew water could taste this good?

"I heard that you had gone up against one of the Jokers and you won. I didn't want you to think lightly of me, so I dressed like that. Kieran thought I was pretty stupid to do it too but I never listen to him anyway," she answered and I threw a pitying glance over at the Club. How they came to be friends was beyond me. The man wasn't paying much attention to us. He seemed to be concentrating on something far away and I looked to what his eyes were engrossed with. He was staring at my baby grand piano, hungrily and I smiled at his curiosity.

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