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My dog, Meeko, is the sweetest puppy ever. He is a pit bull but he is sooooo cuddly and adorable. Unfortunately, he has bitten two people.

He has what the doctors' call: Fearful Aggression. Which means that when he is scared he will lash out first so he won't be hurt.

Both times were partially my fault. The first time: my sister and I left the door open so we could carry something heavy in and he ran out and chased a little boy who ran from him. He bit him in his ass, but the kid was completely fine...didn't cry and was out playing the next day. 

However, the parents of that kid decided (because they are the type of people who want money) to sue us. I'm pretty positive that they aren't going to get anything, but my Mom is handling it with Homeowner's Insurance.

The second time: I let a girl into the house (we were going to watch a movie) and she reached down to pet him and he bit her arm. Now, when I let her in I didn't think he was going to do that. She insisted that she was fine, I bandaged it all up. I also called her parents and let them know. The next day her parents took her to the hospital because they thought it looked a lot worse that I did.

From what I heard they didn't report the bite, the hospital did because they have to report dog bites. 

We payed the girls' hospital bill and thought that it was over.

Then the police came to our house.

My dad got a court summons, and when he went, he got sent home because apparently the parents' of the girl had to be there as well. So, about two weeks ago he went back to court. The parents were there too and my dad plead guilty to the charge of a dog bite --- not being aware of any other options.

The judge -- without knowing the circumstances or the fact that we took him to a behaviorist and put him on anti-anxiety meds -- ordered him to be put down.

The parents just said that they wanted him out of the neighborhood. 

The only thing my dad was told was that he has to be put down within the next month and pay $250 fine. OR pay $1500, and my dad can go to jail.

We called up some attorneys and they were absolutely no help -- the only one who said she could do something was going to charge $3000 dollars.

Personally, I think that is nothing compared to a dog's life -- since he is part of the family.

However, even with that there was absolutely no guarantee we could keep him, so we would be paying all the money without knowing what the outcome would be.

So..sadly he is being put down.

It will be done on either July 1st or the 8th.

My mom, sister and I have decided not to have any more contact with the girls family-- we had been friends with them for awhile and I even babysat their kids.

Now, my sister and I work at a snack stand in our town and Saturday night was movie night. The girl came up and I was perfectly polite, but not friendly as I normally would've been.

The mom however, who has been like best friends with us for almost 10 years, came up all smiling like nothings wrong.

She said to my sister, "No hard feelings mama"

We just kept silent and then she said, "make the right decision, think about what's best for the neighborhood."

I immediately said," killing my dog is what's best?!" but apparently she didn't hear me.

I just wanted to scream at her and fucking punch her in the face yelling," I have known you for almost 10 years, I've babysat your kids, I thought I knew what kind of person you are! I can't believe you think that killing an innocent dog is what's best? Why would we care about what's best for the neighborhood in this situation? Are you fucking KIDDING ME??!!"

I felt sick the rest of the night I was so angry.

Last night, my mom, dad, sister and I went to get a tattoo all together. Each of us got our dog's name tattoed on us. "MEEKO." 

It was my mom's first tattoo ever, my dad's first in 18 years.

Mine is on my right ankle and my sister -- who technically owns Meeko --- got a heart and "my sweet meeko boy" on her left forearm.

We are absolutely devastated and I don't know how I will be able to cope when he is gone. Even though we have another dog and a cat, I feel the most connected to him and can't even imagine....

I just hope that he knows this isn't happening because he was a bad dog or that we didn't love him because we love him soooooo much. We just didn't have any choice in the matter.

I'm so sorry Meeko boy -- we will love you forever and I can't wait to see you again in Heaven.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2013 ⏰

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