The Course of True Love

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I flash a cheeky smile. "Of course, honey," I say. "My apologies."

"Asaka," Alvah tells me. "You're acting really weird."

No one has lifted their fork but me and Jun hasn't looked at me or spoken a word since I arrived. I calmly set my fork aside and stand. "I'm sorry," I say. "Happy birthday, Nagit," I say. I walk over and give him a chaste kiss on the cheek. "I promise I'll be at your party," I say. And with that, I walk away, leaving everyone staring after me.

I absently wonder if anyone will follow.

I don't go back to my room for more than a few minutes. I change my clothes and head out again, nearly colliding with Jun. He looks at me for a long moment before pushing me back into the wall, standing directly in front of me. "What?" he demands.

I blink. "You're the one who grabbed me," I say tightly. I can see someone coming out of the corner of my eye, but I can't quite tell who it is and I'm entranced by Jun too much to look.

He scowls. "You know that's not what I mean," he says sternly.

I try to shove him back, but he barely moves. "Leave me alone," I say sharply. "I don't want to talk to you."

He narrows his eyes. "Well that's too bad," he says. "Because I think we need to talk."

Someone clears their throat, but neither of us move. "Well doesn't that just suck," I fairly hiss. "Poor baby, doesn't always get what he wants." I give him another shove and he falls back willingly. I push past him and he grabs my arm. "So help me," I say. "If you do not let go of me right this minute..."

"You'll what?" Jun demands. "Scream? Go ahead. Hit me? Go ahead. Whatever the hell this is, get it out of your system, now."

I clench my teeth so hard it hurts and lift my eyes to the prince standing before the both of us. Lambert looks back and forth, before sighing softly. "What am I going to do with you two?" he mutters.

"Shut up," Jun demands of his elder brother. He pulls me toward him and I snap. I whirl around and my hand cracks across his face so hard it hurts. My hand stings and I know it's turning red. Jun's blue eyes are huge, surprise written all over his face.

"Don't you dare stand there and act like you don't know what the hell is wrong," I say, temper flaring. Lina always says that she's the first to blow and the first to simmer down and I'm the opposite, I'm the last to explode, but you'll have one hell of a time calming me.

"I don't!" Jun yells, drawing more and more attention. "You're acting like a crazy person," he declares.

"Oh?" I ask, my voice rising in pitch. "Why don't you go to another country, have your things stolen from you, almost get executed, and then be forced to choose the King of said country, but nobody wants to be King and everybody wants to be King and one of those arrogant princes decides that he is going to make it his mission to become King and so he sticks to your side like glue, threatening you and tormenting you and...and...kissing you and then throws it all in your face when it doesn't suit him any longer!"

Jun goes silent. He stares at me, saying nothing. I'm pretty sure Lambert isn't even breathing at this point. I feel bad that he has to witness this, but I need to get this off my chest or I will never be able to act civilly with Jun. I'm furious and he is damn well going to recognize that. He humiliated me. And in some part of my brain I know that I'm acting this way - that I'm so hurt - because of the rejection. Because of my feelings – for Jun.

His grip on my wrist is suddenly gone. "I upset you."

"No shit," Lambert mutters, hiding his mouth behind his hand. Probably he's hiding a smile back there, but I don't care.

"It's all just too much, okay?" I ask. "I need you to just...stop. I can't take it anymore. You don't get to act like an ass and then turn around and be sweet. It doesn't work like that. I'm not going to take it," I say.

Jun clenches his teeth, eyes flicking up to take in the servants and his brothers all coming to investigate the screaming, but that doesn't stop him. He slips an arm around my waist and I try to pull away, but he won't let me. "Asaka," he says, voice pitched low. "I am sorry."

I stare up at him, my eyes burning with unshed tears. "For what?" I ask, voice cracking, trying not to feel bad for the angry red mark on his cheek.

"For hurting you," he says. "Upsetting you. Making you cry," he continues, reaching up to catch a tear with his finger. "It was not my intention to do so."

I'm not so much angry anymore as hurt and confused. I look away, but he catches my chin in his hand and forces me to look at him. "Stop it," I say weakly.

"No," he says bluntly. "Not until you acknowledge what I said."

"Whether you meant it or not doesn't matter," Melchiorre says from behind me. "A lady's heart is delicate, little brother. What matters is how you're going to make it right. You've obviously caused this woman great duress."

Jun clicks his tongue and moves closer, his lips at my ear. "Will you come to Nagit's birthday party?" he whispers.

I nod weakly. "I promised him."

"Good," Jun says, his lips touching my cheek for barely a second. With that, he lets go of me and steps back. He reaches up and wipes another tear away before turning and walking off. Melchiorre is the first to reach my side, pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

His lips are at my ear next. "Easy, love," he whispers. "It's alright. The boy is just confused." He lifts my chin. "Chin up," he says. "A love worth having never comes easy."


Another of my favorites. This one is good because I love when generally calm characters finally explode and get everything off their chest.



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