Lindsey nodded. "You weren't expected to," she reassured. "But I was talking to her about who would take over her role, and, you've been working with us for quite a while now, and you've been doing a fair amount of work in the oncology ward..."

My heart skipped a beat as I took in what she was saying. Surely she couldn't be suggesting...

Lindsey cleared her throat, folding her hands together on the desk. "We came to the conclusion that there was only one solid candidate for the job." She gestured to the folder with her chin. "We'd like to offer you the job, a promotion, I suppose. You would take over in two week's time, and in the meantime you'll be working with the head nurse much more closely... And of course, it is preferred you accept to move in to the accommodation right next to the hospital, you know, as you'll be required to be on hand at all times."

I was speechless. "I..."

"You don't have to make a decision right this minute, any time within the next three days is perfectly fine, all I need to know is whether you are considering it or not." Lindsey smiled again.

I grinned back. "I will certainly consider it, I feel honoured to have received such an offer."

"You deserve it!" Lindsey laughed. "Now, shoo, go think it over, I have a meeting to attend."

Lindsey stood, and I followed, taking the folder and shaking her hand. "Thank you so much, Lindsey."

"No worries Heidi! I look forward to hearing from you."

I nodded in response, before turning and exiting the office, heart beating fast as I walked out of the wing, a spring in my step.

The first thing I did when I arrived home was call Jasmine, where I explained everything that was going on and was answered with a lot of exiting screaming and babbling.
And then the question:

"You're going to accept it, right?"

I sighed. "Well, I want to."

A laugh. "Then take it, silly! What on earth is stopping you?"


"Wait, what?"

I bit my lip. "Well, I'd have to move out and-"

"And he can take his English ass down to see you all the time, you moving wouldn't break your relationship, I would hope. Besides, in the bigger picture, Jamie isn't here to stay." Jasmine said, cutting me off.

I grimaced. "That's the thing," I said. "I don't think Jamie actually has much longer here."

There was a pause from Jasmine's side, and then a careful tone. "Don't let him have too much influence in a decision as big as this, Heidi. It's your decision, of course, but I'd keep all the circumstances in mind."

She didn't have to say it directly for me to catch what she meant. "Yeah, I know." I said, defeatedly. "Thanks Jazzie."

"No worries babe, talk to you soon!"

I laughed a little at her change in tone. "Cya!"

Just as I hung up, I got a text from Jamie.

Come over, we need to talk.

That we did, because there was no keeping this promotion a secret from him, and I was desperate to know what was going on with him, too.

I changed out of my uniform, left the folder on the kitchen bench and left, knocking on Jamie's door. Getting a slight sense of déjà vu from doing almost the same thing this morning.

Learning To Love - Jamie Campbell BowerWhere stories live. Discover now