Chapter 1~ A visit to a wolf's den

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Leila’s POV

Looking up at the sixty storey company, I gripped tighter onto my wooden practice sword that I used often for dojo training. My heart was thumping on my chest angrily and I pushed my nails into my hand, forming a fist to calm myself down before I stepped towards the building. The glass automatic doors rumbled open unwelcoming.

A company? As if. That is only a title to camouflage by unnoticed. This is absolutely a wolf’s den. Any other wolf’s den wouldn’t have made me look twice, I would simply barge in and force myself welcome, but this place is different; I am not welcomed by anything inside no matter how much I fight for my place, and most of all I am not welcomed by my own father.

Two men standing guards inside armed with weapons saw me immediately.

I knew it. They were expecting me. I’ll be surprised if they didn’t.

“Miss, if you don’t leave now, you are going to get hurt,” one of the men with light brown hair warned.

I smirked in their direction, finding it hilarious. To not fear me and say that, they were obviously new. Ignoring their threat I continued to approach them while raising my eyebrows, I opened my mouth and mouthed the words I knew would get them boiling, 'come at me.'

They narrowed their eyes angrily and seeing that I didn’t change my mind they jumped at me. Punching a few blows as they were at it. One person draws out a freshly polished sword and slashed at me. Sighing at their privileges of using a sword, I quick draws my own wooden sword and landed them on a few pressure points. Within forty seconds I managed to KO both of them.

I looked down at the sword one of them had, and frowned disapprovingly. Seems like they are still allowed to use real weapons against me, decided by The Boss.

Bringing a wooden practice sword may not be as effective as a normal sword. But in my hands of experience, I could crack bones, make deep cuts, and if wanted to sustain the amount of injury, bruise a person for more than few years.

Though I was pretty sure the “company” was closed off by now, leaving those people in the center area is not very smart, after all, they could still be seen through the glass walls.

I dragged the two bodies to the middle of an unobservable hallway and turned away for the stairs, but I was stopped by a genius idea that popped into my head. Bitting my lips to stop smirking like a freak, I looked around for materials needed inside the doors along the hallway, never letting my wooden weapon out of my reach for personal safety reasons.

After fifteen minutes of searching, I was about to give up on my so genius of a plan since about every room I searched were filled with huge boxes that seriously piled up to the ceiling. And with all the attacking going on, it was truly getting annoying, that is, until I actually found my materials in a small office with colourful permanent markers sitting on the front desk.

I silently cheered for myself while I carefully chose which colours to use. I'm telling you, it actually took a while. Taking them I rushed back through the hallway to the unconscious bodies I left before they become not unconscious.

I wiped the sweat off of my forehead as I finished my last package of surprise. These packages included all the people that attacked a innocent soul like me, doesn't matter whether it was by command or not.

I snickered at the colourful sight before my eyes. I should of have even putted ribbons all over the path if I could find any or even candles would do. I ran my hand through my hair at the sad truth of lack of materials. I shook my head and dimissed my ideas to make my surprise even better.

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