The past

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I rubbed my tired eyes as I poured some coffee into a coffee mug, Roxas sat across from me on one of the bar stools playing with Ven's PSP. God of War probably, or Little Big Planet strange combination on what games he likes but that's just him. I like the game Sleeping Dogs, Riku likes fighting games that are on the PS3, Ven same as Roxas. I drank my coffee tasting the sweetness of the creamer then Roxas had asked me "What will I do when you guys are out?" I glanced up at him from my coffee mug then put it down "Well, Axel had called me late last night, he said he's leaving today they questioned him last night when Larxenne and Marluxia came back, he said that they were suspicious of him and he needs to leave" Roxas looked worried "Won't he get caught if he tried to leave?!" I nodded "But he'll leave around the time out bar opens so I'm sure he'll be fine". I said taking another drink of my coffee.

Roxas sighed "I hope you're right Sora" I glanced at the clock on the microwave seeing it was almost 7 "Come on we should-" "You're up before me? How shocking!" I heard Riku and I cracked a smile "Oh shut up, I wish I could sleep more" I grumbled "Well, you know what it's like to run a bar and go out into the city" he said making his own cup of coffee "True, now Roxas you better keep this place clean at night when we are gone, no rough housing with Axel" Riku laughed "Axel and Roxas alone? I'm scared to find what are place will look like when we come back".

Roxas grumbled incoherent words as he continued to play on the PSP "Whatever" he mumbled then I heard Kartos just kill Hades with a manly grunt. I shook my head walking to my room to get ready for college. As I was getting ready I stopped midway as I was putting on my shirt to see a large scare at my side, that scar always brought sadness and pain into my brothers eyes, Ven was knocked out for the first half and Roxas....was almost killed right in front of me with Vanitas being the culprit, staring at the scar it took me back.

I was on the ground looking towards Ven seeing a bruise form onto his cheek and a large gash on his forehead, I looked towards Roxas seeing him on the floor breathing heavily, blood slowly forming from under him. I reached for my gun but it wasn't there. I looked at my older brother, the one that said he would take care of us when mom and dad died, he would make sure to protect us from harm, but he lied! Vanitas lied to us, to prove that he lied he went over to our enemy's! He is now pointing his tainted sword at his own brother! Who is helpless to do anything! I stood up from the ground as Vanitas raised his arms ready to strike, I ran as fast as I could to Roxas and landed to be in front of him right when Vanitas brought his sword down leaving a deep mark into my side. I fell towards the ground, Vanitas crazed laugh coming out of his mouth. I heard someone screaming my name, Riku? I questioned myself Ansem the wise? I didn't get to see them before I blacked out completely. The next time I awoke, I was in the hospital with two sleeping brothers sitting in the chairs. Riku leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and two people outside my door speaking in hush tone. I looked at Riku a little dazed "Ri-Riku" I mumbled, he cracked open his turquoise eye seeing me awake then he opened his other eye worry covering his face. "I'm glad you at least woke up, lazy ass" he walked over to my bed quietly so he wouldn't wake the boys "Thanks" I muttered "Glad you're so worried for me" I said sarcastically "Well I am...I'm just- never mind, you should rest, you lost a lot of blood" I looked up at him feeling the pain from my side. "How did you and Ansem get out? Where is he anyways?" Riku pointed to the door "Bribing the doc, and when we appeared Vanitas had ran off, probably to his leader" Riku said sounding a little angry. I cracked a smile "Yea, I'll sleep, but how are-" "They are fine" Riku interrupted "Ven took a good hit to his head and cheek, like we need to damage his head more" he chuckled "Roxas is a little....shaken I guess you can say, he took a severe hit to the chest but missed his heart and his recovering, he was more worried about you though, hearing that you protected him" he finished while he glanced at the two of them. "Thanks...for watching them while I was asleep" he also cracked a smile "You owe me four days" my eyes widen "W-Why four?" I stuttered "Because you've been out that long" I groaned moving my hand to my forehead then hissed in pain. Riku opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the door that had opened "Ah, Sora, glad to see you up" Ansem the wise had said, he is our leader and the one who keeps track of all of us he is also like a father figure I a way. "Ansem, good to see you as well" I grinned playfully he smiled back his golden eyes showing a playful glint. "I have something important to tell you" he said his voice changing to a serious tone.
I kept my eyes on him as he sat down, Riku continued to stand by me his arms crossed it seems he already knows what Ansem wants to say. "Sora, I am sorry to hear about-" "He is not my brother, he is a crazed demon who lost his humanity" I said sounding a little angry myself but I lightened up. "Yes....I am still sorry to hear about it, now Sora I know you're only 25 but I want you to be the new leader". I stared at him in disbelief "I can't...I couldn't" Riku had patted my shoulder. "I know it's sudden and also not a good time to tell you, but I am getting old Sora, I have made this decision when you boys came to me 5 years ago, when I die you'll become the new king" I couldn't believe his words but he was serious. "You'll watch over this city, protect the people and the family you care about" I nodded slowly taking his words into deep thought "I understand, Ansem the wise" he gave out a laugh, he hates being called that sometimes but it makes him smile when we say his true name.

That is how I also became the new king, Ansem is still alive and kicking don't get me wrong, but it is true that he is getting old, and he's becoming weaker every day but still has his attitude. As I finished putting on my shirt I had found my glasses and had put them on my face. I grabbed my jacket and shoes walking back out into the main room seeing Roxas dressed and still playing the PSP, Ven munching down on breakfast and Riku chilling in his chair reading about our city to see if there's any danger around.
I glanced at the clock seeing it say 7:23 "It's almost time, I'll grab the car-" "No!" Ven screamed and ran back into his room "Guess not..." I mumbled throwing my jacket over the couch and sitting down putting on my shoes "Wallet?" Riku asked me "Yes" "Keys to the bar?" "Yes" "Homework" "Ye-...Crap" I mumbled "Make sure you get it done in school" he sang. "Yes mom!" I said sarcastically as I stood, he gave a hearted chuckle.

Roxas shut off the PSP and stuck it in his bag, Ven came back out with his bag as well and looked at the both of us. "Alright alright, bye Riku" I said as we all left the building off to college.

All done!!!! What do you think about Vanitas being in the fam fam? Or you guys already guessed it! Who knows, hope you enjoyed this chap chap see you soon!!! Byes!

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