pitiful words

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After 30 minutes of standing here left with my thought's & how much my heart was breaking it was hurting I came to my senses & stepped out the closet back into the room I had no idea who it belonged to, a guest room maybe.

I couldn't go back to talk to her I just couldn't it hurt to much the only thing I can do right now is run, as far & as fast as I can away from here & pray she doesn't find me. 

I run down the halls taking different turns left & right down the hallways & down the stairs, I frantically start looking for keys of a sort I found a bunch of keys hanging on the walls by hooks & snatch the closest one & run into the garage pressing the unlock button on the key until a car on the far right made an unlocking sound & a flash of light to signal that's the car that responded to & it's my cue to get it & leave.

The garage wasn't opening so I drive as far away from the garage door & then reverse as quick as possible until it grumbled & lifted up in all weird directions just enough room for me to get through.

I've been driving for at least half an hour now I haven't seen a sign that anyone's coming after me & as much as I hate to admit it it stung a lot.

shaking the thoughts out of my head & with the little bit of money I have i'm heading towards Italy to get away from here. I can't go back to my parent because She will find me I need to leave & I need to leave now no one will suspect me going there at least I hope so anyways.

I've been driving for two days now because I haven't wanted to stop just incase someone caught up with me.

but I needed rest & I needed it now. I pulled up to the closet motel it wasn't exactly 5 stars but it will do for now for a couple hours sleep i'm exhausted & hungry & in need for a well needed shower.

I walk inside as quick as possible the man at the counter had grey hairs on the side of his head * a mole on his chin he looked up to see me & a smile took over his face but didn't reach his eyes.

"Hello, how can I help you" he said in a bored tone. 

"Hi I need to rent out a room just for tonight please" I say as quick as possible her hands me a set of keys for room 05 I took the bottom floor just incase I need a quick escape. 

As soon as I enter the room it looks like one of those motels where the film horror movies & they get cut up I wince at the thought but kept repeating "it's only one night" & the bed wasn't so bad I strip out of my clothes & hop in the shower after realizing I have nothing but the clothes I brought with me but I did see a little clothing store across the road from here I'll just go there to get some.

After my shower I put back on my dirty clothes before taking my keys with me to the shop across the road for some clothes. 

As soon as I walk in a petite girl walks towards me smiling warmly at me.

"can I be of any services to you today mam?" she asks.

I smile back & ask her were the clothes in my size are. she directs me to the left side of the shop before walking away leaving me to shop. 

I brought some jeans, track pants socks, underwear bras, tank tops, jumpers, sweaters you name it before carrying it to the counter & paying to leave I run back to my room dump all my clothes before stripping out of my clothes & changing into my new ones & throwing mine into the bin.

I have a sudden thought, I've marked her. she will sense me when i'm near her smell for me will be stronger. pushing all my dirty clothes under the bed so she gets thrown off on where I am I grab all my stuff before jumping into the car & leaving for italy stopping for fast food on the way.

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