The sound of the front door opening and closing jolted Ara awake from her short nap. She had fallen asleep, figuring all this out. She needed a plan for this all and spent nearly every waking moment figuring it all out.

After packing away her things and sliding it in a small compartment between her bed on the frame, she head downstairs to where her parents were greeting each other with kisses.

"EW! Oh my, I have scarred my pure and innocent eyes. Never, ever will I be able to see my parents the way I have ever before." Ara shrieks sarcastically, covering her eyes to refrain herself from watching her parents make out. 

Her parents laugh after jolting away from each other. 

"You can look now sweetie." Her Mom says and cautiously, Ara lets her hands leave from her face. 

There stands her Mom and Dad – not making out. A smile dances across Ara's lips towards her in-love parents. 

"Thank God. I don't think I can get that ever out of my head." She jokes, leaning against the kitchen doorframe. 

"Very funny Ara. So what was it you wanted to tell us when your father got home?" Her Mother asks, curiosity in her eyes. 

'It's now or never.' Ara thinks, taking a big breath. 

"Well I've sort of got an idea on where I want to go to for college." She starts and her parents listen, not talking 'til the end.

"I want to go to New York. I mean, I always have and here's my chance. I sent in my application to NYU this afternoon and I think it could really work, there's Aunt Mariah and I could get a job with her to support myself until I figure what I want to d–" She rambles on, not realizing it yet thankful she never mentioned a baby. 

"Honey, you're rambling. It's okay. We told you that if you want to go somewhere out of state, we'll support your decision and pay for the plane ticket. New York is amazing, you'll have a wonderful time there and your Aunt can help you. I mean, she does check up every month or so to see if you've made a decision on it." Her mom cuts in, confirming she's okay with it. 

In Teresa's opinion, she finds it a wonderful opportunity especially since she knows her daughter will be successful. 

"Dad?" Ara asks. He keeps a straight face then smiles, holding his arms out.

"Of course, Princess. Your Mom is right, we will support your decision on wherever you go – as long as you check up with us every month. We'll call you." Her Dad says as she jumps into his arms squealing. 

"Thank you so much! I promise I'll make you proud, but if I don't get in I'll probably just stay here." Right now, she was depending on that college application. She needed to get in desperately because if she stays here, her parents might find out about the baby. 

"Gosh no, we know you'll get in. Nobody can resist not having my daughter in their college." Ara's Dad, Luke, says cockily. Ara laughs at this. 

It's nice to have a Dad who has a great sense of humour like she does – she definitely knows where she gets it from.

She's told her parents now, step one nearly done. 

Her Dad goes upstairs to clean up from his works clothes as her mother drags her to the phone. 

"We've gotta call your aunt now! Oh, she's going to be ecstatic when she hears you said yes!" She exclaims excitedly. 

Ara smiles, it seems like her Mom is more excited than her. 

Teresa holds the phone in her hand, dialling her sister-in-law's number. They were close friends back in high-school, in fact the best of friends. Though Mariah didn't hate her when she fell for her brother. 

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