Chapter 75: Determination

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Zayn's POV

Niall kneels there, Tara's body pressed against his chest as he cries out. The room reverberates his sobs as each one escapes his throat. Liam, Paul, and I stand there, frozen still as we watch Niall and Tara. Nobody moves - heck! nobody even wants to breathe!

"Guys," Niall croaks out, "can you please leave. Just for a few minutes? And, then, you can take her to the doctors..."

I nod my head and we all file out the room. Liam and Paul start whispering to themselves, but I stay behind as I try to process everything that has happened in the last half hour.

For the first time in a while, Niall was really happy and excited and in love. But, that was stripped away the moment we landed in London. Maybe the universe is trying to tell him to let Tara make her own decisions or to let her be with someone she loves. Either way, the universe sucks right now. And, I don't know what to do about it.


"So, she's really dead?" Louis asks for the fifth time in the last ten minutes. I nod my head. Harry is leaned over, his elbows on his knees and his hands holding his head up. Louis and Harry didn't say a word the entire time Liam and I were telling them what happened. I expected them to shout or break down in tears but, instead, they just stared ahead like they were trying to understand Spectral Sequences or something.

Niall comes back, his eyes red and puffy and his breathing hitched and uneven. Paul gets up and tells the nurse about Tara. I watch her reaction change from confused to scared. She quickly calls up a doctor. Suddenly, a flood of doctors and nurses are running to the bathroom to collect Tara's body. I stare at them, just like all the others, and wait for them to tell us that she is one hundred percent dead, and they can't do anything because it's too late and that she's lost too much blood. All I know right now is that I wish I had learned more about Tara before she was ripped away from this world.

Harry, Louis, Liam, and Paul all stand up to comfort Niall who looks like he's trying with all his might not to cry his eyes out again. I get up and give the poor fello a hug. Before I know it, Niall is smooshed in between all of us guys as we attempt to comfort him.

Someone clears their throat behind us. My stomach drops a million miles below my feet. The doctor, a short woman with curly red-brown hair and a clipboard in her hand, stands in front of all of us as we wait for her to tell us she needs Tara's information.

Paul steps forward to talk to her, but she doesn't look at him. Instead, she turns her focus to Niall.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Thule. The girl you found, do you know her?" Dr. Thule asks more to Niall than anyone else. My head — along with my attention — turns to Niall as he slowly nods his head, his eyes never leaving the ground. "I take it you were close to her then. Yes?"

Again, Niall nods his head, not uttering a single word. Dr. Thule gives him a sympathetic smile, but Niall doesn't see it because his eyes are still on the ground.

"Well, then. I have some good news and some bad news. Which would you prefer to hear first?" Dr. Thule asks. Niall's head finally looks up at her, his eyes going wide with hope. I really hope the good news is, like, actually good. Otherwise, I'll have to go and kill Hunter.

"What's the bad news?" Paul asks before Niall can tell her to give the good news first. Dr. Thule sighs and looks at Paul.

"The bad news is that the girl-"

"Tara. Her name is Tara," I interrupt. Harry glares at me but Dr. Thule doesn't seem fazed at all.

"Tara will not be able to have any children. Herself, that is."

I nod my head as I think back to the cuts on her and of all the blood lost. I mean, how could someone have a child with that many cuts all up and down her legs and stomach. It just doesn't seem possible.

"WAIT!" I shout as the news finally hits me. Dr. Thule smiles to herself as she watches each of our faces turn from eh to wait! in a matter of seconds. Niall's face turns completely white and his body starts to shake.

"D-Do you m-mean that sh-she's alive?" Niall asks quietly. Dr. Thule nods her head, closing her eyes and smiling.

"Yes. Whilst there was a lot of blood lost and damage done to her stomach and chest, she is okay in terms of her heart, lungs, and liver. However, the ovary and womb are so badly damaged that she can no longer bear a child. On the bright side, for her that is, she will no longer have to deal with periods or bloody bed sheets," Dr. Thule says, laughing quietly. I smile in spite of her bad joke. I guess, Tara will at least have some sort of bright outcome of this gloomy situation.

"It's a complete miracle considering it was so long after the accident," Dr. Thule says positively. We all nod our heads in agreement. I can't believe she's alive. I mean, SHE'S FREAKIN ALIVE!

Niall's POV

I can hardly breathe. It feels like the air in my lungs had been taken away and are now being shoved down my throat. I'm grateful for the oxygen, but it's almost suffocating now.

I step away from the group so I can catch my breath and attempt to wrap my head around this.

Tara is alive. She's going to live. I'm not going to have to deal with her being away from me. This is my second chance. God has given me a second chance to do it right. And I'm determined to do just that.


Heylo! How are you? I'm pretty good. Life is wonderful for me right now actually. But, I don't like bragging, so why don't you tell me how you are? Is Life being good or bad to you right now? Anything you wanna share privately or on the comments? I'm always around to talk.

I've finished all of my chapters. They just need to be edited, pictured, and then posted. My epilogue is long! So, have fun reading that!

Anyway, if you like my story, please comment, vote, and/or follow me. Love ya!

What Makes You Beautiful (A Niall Horan FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora