Chapter 52: I Should've Stayed

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Tara's POV

Everyone piles into the two cars and we leave the hotel for the beach. The fair is being held on Coronado Beach, which is about half an hour away. The ride there is very quiet, probably because I'm wearing a shirt that is showing way too much of my ugliness.

We finally get to the beach, and I can already tell that the fair is going to be exciting. When a parking lot is filled, you know it's a good one. Louis parks the van and we hop out.

"I hope you don't mind, I invited Josie," Harry says. My mouth drops as I hear Josie's name. Why is Josie coming? Hunter is already someone I need to worry about, but now Josie is going to see how much I hate him and shove the fact that she was right all along in my face. I growl and stomp away. I walk up to the ticket booth and pull out my wallet. Right as I'm about to give the man my money, someone shoves me away and pushes their money to the man. I look over to find Jack. He smiles down at me and winks. I glare at him and cross my arms over my chest. When I do this, I look down and realize that this only shortens the already short top. So, I uncross my arms and sway them by my side.

"Come on, Tara!" Louis shouts, excitedly waving his arm around to get me to follow him. I roll my eyes, but follow him.

"Where are we going?" I ask. Louis grins mischievously and grabs my wrist. He pulls me down rows and rows of games and rides until we end up at a bean bag toss booth. I look around and see a few guys staring at us. I hide behind Jack and Niall until I see the guys move away. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and step out from behind the boys.

I turn in circles and decide to play the bean bag game. I take two tickets and give them to the man. The man gives me three bean bags and backs away. I take aim and throw the bag. It goes in the lowest hole. I take aim again and release. This one goes through the top hole. I pick up my last bag and take aim. I throw it and watch as it soars through the air. It forms the perfect arc and falls. My heart quickens as I think of winning the game. The bag has about a foot left until it goes through the hole. The wind picks up and the bag falters. I bite my lip and frown as I see the bag change course and hit the board. It falls to the ground with a loud thud.

"Sorry, miss. You can take a small prize from the table over there," the man says as he picks up the bags. He looks over at me and smirks. He comes up to me really close. "You're a real cutie. I'll let you play for free if you give me a kiss."

I try to back away, but the man grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. I start flailing my arms around and shouting but no one comes to help me. The man keeps leaning closer and closer and his hands keep moving farther down my waist. My heart sinks as I realize this is going to happen no matter what. The man's hands reach the bottom of my butt and he squeezes it. His lips are inches away from mine. I give one more final scream before his lips crash onto mine. I keep fighting and hitting him, but he just ignores me. His hands keep squishing his body closer to mine. The man's lips keep moving and his tongue keeps trying to get in my mouth.

Niall's POV

The boys and I wander over to a caricature booth. Louis, Harry, and Zayn pose for the lady. I laugh when I see their expressions. I turn around to find Liam, Jack, and Kelly laughing too. I hear a faint screaming but I don't know where it is coming from. Jack must have heard it too because he's looking around for the source also.

I walk closer to where Tara was and see a man getting very intimate with a lass. I smile as I see the two kissing. I turn around and around but I still can't see who was screaming. I finally give up when I hear the same scream. I turn around just in time to see the lady trying to pull away from the guy at the bag toss booth. I see red hair and a crop top.


I rush over to them. Right as the man reconnects their lips, my body slams into the guy's. Tara stumbles back and falls to the ground. I want to punch that jerk for kissing Tara like that but too many people are coming around us. Instead, I spit on the man and rush over to Tara's side and help her to her feet.

"Are you o-" I start but I get body slammed by another person. I fall to the ground, my shoulder colliding with the dirt pathway. I hear Tara scream a little. I look up and find Tara holding on to a guy's arm. He's holding her tightly and rubbing her back.

I stand up, rubbing my bare arm. The cuts on my arm are little and not bleeding which is always good news. Liam, Jack, Kelly, Harry, Louis, and Zayn all come rushing to me. Tara and the mystery guy hold each other a little farther away from us.

"Are you okay, Tara?" I ask, walking over to her. The guy she is holding on to is facing the other way so I still have no way of knowing what he looks like. Tara pulls away and the guy turns around. I look at Tara and see she's really shaken up. I feel so bad for leaving her there all by herself. I mean, why didn't I stay back? I wasn't even in the caricature. I should've stayed back and made sure Tara was okay.

"I-I'm fine. I p-promise," Tara stutters. I know she's not okay, but I also know she won't let me know that she's not okay because she likes to have us think she is this strong, independent girl. Which she is. But sometimes she needs a man to help her out.

I nod my head and eye the guy next to her. Tara notices and blushes furiously.

"Um, guys!" Tara say, raising her voice so the others hear her. They all come over from scolding the bean bag man and look at the mystery guy. I hear Jack growl and Zayn make a "mm" noise.

"This is Hunter Brinx, my b-boyfriend," Tara says. Everyone gives Hunter the evil eye. I, personally, glare the hardest. His scars and horrible stench give him away. We've met and I'm ready to punch the guy.

"You," I hiss. Hunter turns his attention to me and smiles. I can literally see the acid drooling from his faux smile.

"Ah, Niall Horan. We meet again," Hunter says back. "I hope you're not one to hold a grudge because all of that is in the past now. Right?"

I shake my head and tighten my jaw. What the hell is an idiot bum like him dating an amazing girl like Tara?

"What are you up to, Hunter?" I demand. Hunter narrows his eyes on me and takes a step towards me. He leans in and growls.

"Nothing that concerns you."


Heylo! It's Sunday! I wasn't planning on updating tonight since I had updated on Friday, but decided to give you guys this. I wouldn't call this a filler, but it's not like BAM! Call it what you want, I don't really care. It's an update towards some...bigger things.

Anyway, if you like my story, please comment, vote, and/or follow me! Love ya!

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