A New Visit

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Eric Family Mansion – winter 1899

That was a cold night around the majestic mansion of the Eric family. A terrible blizzard came that night, the wind and snow fell from the dark sky with no mercy.

Inside the mansion, there was the youngest family member, Charlie Eric III. He was a very young man, with no more than one hundred and forty centimeters tall and a peculiar appearance. Since he was adopted by the family, the nineteen year old boy was different than the other people who used to live in those environments, with brown skin and white and blue hair. He was just an innocent boy; who didn't look threatening for a fly.

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal dared to dream before." Reading the book, scared by the deep feelings on the poems, and amazed by the horror stories told by his favorite writer, Edgar Allan Poe.

Charlie's mind was so into the stories and poems, that he barely noticed the strong blizzard out there, he just wanted to keep reading. The ice blue eyes only have strayed from the book lines when he heard the loud ding dongs coming from the door. The small man closed the book and stared at the big white door while the sounds of the big bells echoed on the gigantic room.

"I didn't know visits were coming..." Charlie thought, confused. He left the book on its place and went to open the big door. As he opened it, the light showed the person standing patiently outside. Charlie looked at the other man, seemed to have more than forty, with grey hair and misty, teary eyes, attire with a black suit and purple shirt. Charlie took a deep breath, talking to strangers was a hard thing for the shy little man.

"W...Who are you...?" Charlie asked, shyly and looking deep into the deep eyes of the stranger. The older man sobbed softly, was also very shy "I'm... Edgar... I'm a writer and I... Got lost in this blizzard night..." His voice was weak and the sobbing made the simple task of presentation hard for the depressed man.

Charlie seemed worried about the stranger. Even knowing about the house's rules, he felt really pitiful for Edgar. He opened the door a bit more, and with a gesture, welcomed the man showing him the large main room. "You can enter, sir." Charlie said, educated, with his British accent.

Edgar almost forced a timid smile, and entered in the big house. "I'm so thankful, young man." He said in a low and deep tone. Edgar accompanied Charlie until a couple of black wood chairs placed in front of a fireplace, and took a sit. The white hair man took a blanket inside a trunk and offered it to the writer "Here, there is a terrible snowstorm out there... You might be cold". Edgar took the blanket and looked at the young man, keeping with the soft sobbing "T...Thank you... You're so gentle..." Charlie took a sit in front of Edgar "You're welcome" He said in a calm tone. "May... I can know the name of such gentle host?" Edgar asked as he wrapped his own body with the blanket. Charlie blushed with the compliment and smiled "I'm Charlie Eric" He answered.

Charlie could notice how much Edgar's body was shaking, surely he had suffered a lot out there, the young man stood up calmly "I'm going to bring tea for us. Give me a minute please." He said educated. Edgar nodded and kept the silence.

Edgar clumsily comforted himself on the chair, he was delighted by the generosity of the young man, though, a deep sadness didn't leave his mind. He was still sobbing; his eyes didn't dry for a single moment. He just stared at the fire, lost into thoughts and desires of his mind.

After a few minutes, Charlie came back, caring a tray with two cups and a teapot. The sweet smell of the tea came to Edgar and for some reason, he felt like drinking the whole pot. Charlie placed the tray over a small table in front of them, and served the tea for them both. "I hope you like it, sir. I made it myself" He said, keeping the friendly smile on his face. Edgar took a cup and drank the sweet liquid.

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