Dear Kirsten Ray,

Within the first few hours of actually getting to know you, I have never felt so alive. We talked for 4 hours yet, it seems like we've never stopped talking.

I hope to find a great friend within you. Hopefully a great best friend. But truly what is this that I'm feeling.. It's like when I'm talking to you, my words can't seem to come out right, and I get all tongue tied.

Oh tell me dear Kirsten... What is this feeling?.. This may be the answer to question #7.

Or maybe, I'm just a fool.

Always & forever, writing letters,
Cameron Dallas

She covered her moth with her hand.

"Oh my god.." She said aloud,"he's in love with me."

"Who's in love with who?"

Jacob peered into the laundry room. Kirsten quickly folded the note and put it away in her pocket.

"No one!" She blurted.

He walked back to the refrigerator to get a drink from it. Kirsten slid past him and upstairs to her room to change. She decided to wear her short black dress, with her red high heels.

She tried sneaking down the stairs, and slide to the front door.

"Hey Kirsten! Where is TH-" Jacob stopped.
"Where are you going?"

"I'm going out.." She replied annoyed.

"With who?"


She rambled and thought about how ridiculous what she just said was. The more she thought, the more nervous she became about her date with Cameron. She wasn't ready to date yet. She wasn't ready to have a boyfriend especially not Cameron.

"This was a mistake.." She thought.

She couldn't back out now though. She had to go. Headlights interrupted her thoughts. She trampled over to the car and got in.

He greeted her. "Hi beautiful!"

"Hello.." She said unamused.

Cameron was nervous. He didn't want her to think he was moving too fast. They had only met yesterday, but he felt like what they had might be something real.

Kirsten tried her best not to make eye contact with Cameron. She wanted tonight to stay as friendly as possible. Of course it would be hard, but she couldn't risk dating him, and then losing him.

The night went by filled with super small talk, and little laughter. If anything, this date made everything more awkward than it already was.

When they finally arrived home, Kirsten unlocked the door and threw her keys in the bowl beside it.

"Uh.. Thanks for tonight cam.", she said shyly.

"I don't get it. I really don't get it Kirsten. I thought you liked me. I thought this would work." He snapped.

"Cam!", she said,"we've only really known each other for a day now! And you're taking me on dates, and making me sleep with you in a bed!"

"Making you sleep with me? YOU'RE THE ONE WHO JUMPED INTO BED WITH ME!"


Kirsten was furious. How could he have been so oblivious to the fact that things were moving way too fast.

Cameron put his hands on the top of his head, and laughed.

"How could I have ever thought that trying to date a fan would be the right idea.." He said quietly.

"So now you regret it? You regret making the decision to talk to me?"

Kirsten could feel the tears well up in her eyes. Her cheeks a cherry red, and her eyes made her anger even more prominent.

"You know that's not what I meant."

"Oh really? Then what did you mean?"

Cameron stepped closer to her, making her back into the door. He stood only inches away from her face, with his hands placed on both sides of her head. She could feel his warm breaths breathing down on her.

"I like this." He breathed. "I like this feeling I get when I'm near you. It's like a huge adrenaline rush. Or a high you get after smoking meth. It's thrilling."

His angry eyes simmered down, and his mouth curled into a smirky smile. Kirsten stood in her place, still not moving.

"I like you. A lot. I would hope you'd feel the same. Because if not then this is going to be very awkward."

He leaned in and smashed his lips against hers. Something shocking happened. She was kissing back, and she didn't even realize it. She wrapped her arms around his neck, not once breaking the kiss. He then pulled away from her, kissed her forehead, and walked up the steps. For a second Kirsten couldn't even comprehend what had just happened.

But she knew she liked it.

• Letters • { Cameron Dallas } *CURRENTLY UNDER EXTREME EDITING!*Where stories live. Discover now