Chapter 24 A Day in the Dark

Start from the beginning

I tasted bile in my throat at the last statement she made. My mind raced at her version of the events that occured yesterday. "Is that all that happened yesterday"? She looked at me with a puzzled look, "I don't know, did you want me to tell you what I had for dinner"?

My hand ran through my scarlet hair as I grew furiated at her lack of recollection. Then my mind knew what to ask next. "Beth," I paused, worried about her response, "what were you doing these past two weeks"? Confusion ran across her face. "What do you mean"? I cleared my throat as my hazel eyes searched into her blue ones for any form of deception. "Were you ever with Zeke, or Katie," I paused remembering Beth's shriek as Luke's fangs drove into her neck, "or Luke"? Beth gave me a detested look. "Why in God's name would I ever associate myself with the mega bitch and the fuck boy"?

Beth gave a face that simulated puking at the thought. "As for Luke," she paused thinking it over, "only the times when he's with you". My heart dropped at her completely false testimony, yet completely earnest eyes.

"Anyways, enough with the game of twenty questions," Beth spoke, "are you going through an identity crisis or something"? She eyed me, awaiting my answer. I sat in thought, my eyes wide at my best friend who has no recollection of her behavior or even having her neck fed on by a blood sucking demon. The only explanation I could fathom was one word. Luke.

Beth continued to eye me, suspiciously, as her concern at my long awaited answer. I simply gazed at the blonde and told her the truth. "I had a rough night".

She seemed disasitfied with my answer, but didn't press on, as she simply nodded and turned back to the sonnet in front of her. I could tell she was mad as she tapped her left index finger against the desk. A habit I noticed whenever she was upset or anxious. She would continue to glance up at me every so often as if she was ready to confront me about the details of my so called "rough night", but would stop herself and quickly place her attention back on Ms. Sykes, who seemed to fidget nervously everytime her green eyes found me.

After a very long lecture about the characteristics of a sonnet, the bell rang and I waisted no time jumping out of my seat. My hand automatically went down to the floor to reach for my bookbag, when I realized that Luke neglected to even give me the benefit of having my school supplies on my otherwise crappy morning. I rolled my eyes and sped out of the classroom, ignoring Beth's voice that called my name.

The hallway was much easier to get through as people would stare upon me and avoid me as if I had the plague. I felt subconscious as I sped walked down the hall avoiding everyone's gaze.

I entered my Anatomy and Physiology classroom and glanced up at the lab table where a mischevous smiling Luke sat, waiting for me. I shivered at the sight of him as gave me a wink once our eyes met. Those sapphire orbs gazed upon me, but all I could see were those bloody red eyes and hungry fangs.

"Miss Irwin"! I jumped as the loud screeching voice of my science teacher disrupted my thoughts. Ms. Walker scurried infront of me, her white lab coat whipping from side to side as she walked. Her hands laid at her hips as she scanned me up and down, appalled. "My dear!" She shrieked in horror. "Surely you have enough pride in yourself to at least look presentable". I simply shrugged at her, slightly offended. "I demand you go to to the office and put on the sweats"! My eyes widened at the mention of the unfashionable outfit. "But I'm not even against dress code". She shook her hair, her curly black hair bouncing. "No no no" she would say. "That" she said glaring at my clothing with repulsion, "may not violate student dress code, but it definely violates the human decency dress code". I raised an eyebrow at her, "human decency dress code"? Ms. Walker grunted in annoyance as she fixed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Just go to the office and change this instant! You will be a distraction in my classroom otherwise".

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