Forrest laughed a put his hand carefully on my cheek. "You're blushing!"

   I blushed even more. "Oh shut up."

   "It's cute." He kissed my cheek. I felt like my two cheeks were having a contest on who could be more red and hot.

   The movie suddenly started, scaring Will, resulting in Lani falling off the seat. She scowled as I laughed my face off, quietly though, because the movie was on. Every time I looked back at her red face after managing to stop laughing, I started again.

******time skip******

We burst out of the theater, laughing and happily chatting. Will and Forrest had together decided that they would walk us back to our dorms.

   When we got there, we stopped walking. "So," Forrest whispered, as it was almost 10. "Did you like the movie?"

   I nodded, sleepy. "Wanna come in?"

   He was hesitant, but decided he would. I opened the door, and Will and Lani were sitting on the bed, making out.

   I blushed again, and Lani noticed. She pulled the curtain on her bed shut, and Forrest laughed a bit. "Do-do you wanna..stay?" I asked nervously, biting my lip. I don't want to seem...hookerish, I just wanted him to stay the night because he was warm, and I was cold.

   He nodded wordlessly, and I grabbed my clothes to change in the bathroom while he waited outside. I got out wearing shorts and a t-shirt almost long enough to cover them.

   He climbed on the bed, only in underwear and a shirt. I blushed again, probably for the millionth time. I climbed in after him, snuggling against his chest. I didn't even need a blanket like this! But he put one on me. Oh well. He's so sweet...

   I threw a shoe at the light switch, and I hit it!

   I felt myself slowly drifting into sleep, comforted by the warmth radiating from Forrest.

******time skip******

I woke up feeling cold. I shiver a bit and pulled the blanket to my chin. Wait...if I'm cold, then Forrest is not here. I shot up out of bed and almost fell off. Climbing down, I heard people talking in the kitchen. Forrest was in there, wearing pants again, talking to Lani, who was flipping pancakes.

   "Hey guys. Did you sleep okay?" I rubbed my eyes and grabbed a plate. Lani suddenly started blushing a lot.

   I took three pancakes, spread butter on them, and showered them in syrup. I heard a curtain open, and Will appeared through the door. He went over to Lani and kissed her, then grabbed a plate.

   I took out my phone and opened iFunny. Lani finished making pancakes and then got her own. She sat beside me and started scrolling on her phone too.

   When we were finished with breakfast, I went to the bathroom and got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth, and put on a bit of makeup. Not too much, just eyeliner and lip gloss.

   When I was done, Lani went to the bathroom as well, and came out wearing a halter crop top and skinny jeans.

   "Uh...Lani? Remember...winter? Cold?" I told her. She groaned.

   "Ugh. Fine. Be right back."

   She went back in and came out wearing a red sweater and a black down vest over it. She sat next to Will on the bed, I sat next to her, and Forrest sat next to me.

   "Um no. Not enough room." I jumped onto the top bunk, and Forrest followed me.

   "So...wanna go walk around outside?" Forrest asked after a period of silence.

   I nodded. "Yeah, sure. Lani, wanna come?"

   "Nah, I'm gonna stay here with Will."

   "Ok. See you later then." I waved.

   Forrest and I walked out, and the cold hit me like a book to the face. I immediately started shivering. Forrest, the gentleman that he was, wrapped his own coat around me, and I smiled thankfully. It was so warm, and it smelled like him. But then I realized that he was shivering. "Be right back. I'm gonna go back in and get myself a coat." I gave his back to him, walked back in, and grabbed my own coat.

   Then we just started walking, not really paying attention to where, just...walking, happy to be together.

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