Chapter 13

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*Aestia's POV*

I woke up, wondering where I was. Duh. I'm at Royal Academy. I sat up and jumped down from my bed. There was a ladder but, really, who would use a ladder when you can jump down?

I looked at my phone. Whoa. It's 5:02. Dang. I woke up early. I have like, three hours left. At least it's Friday, finally. I can't wait for the weekend.

Opening my messenger bag, I took out my schedule. Yep. Almost 3 hours. I sighed. What am I going to do for three hours? M first period is Biology, then Law, then Etiquette, then Music, then lunch, and then Dance. Eek. Today's going to be a long day.

   I have an essay for Biology that I'm almost done with; I just need a conclusion. I sat down at my desk, sharpened my pencil, and started writing it out. There were lots of errors at first, but pretty soon, I managed to get it done.

   I looked at my phone again. 2 and a half hours. Sigh. In Music, all I had to practice was singing scales. Lani is so lucky. Her class is already singing songs. My classmates are a bit...unpracticed.

   Hey, I took Band and Choir in school. I'm pretty practiced. Maybe they'll move me to Lani's class. Hopefully...

I climbed back into bed, hoping that maybe I would be able to go back to sleep and get some more rest. I laid there for about 5 or 6 minutes, but I just couldn't sleep.

   My stomach rumbled. I can't go down to the Dining Hall's too early. I looked around our dorm, maybe we had food. Climbing back down from my bed, I grabbed some clothes, a straightening iron, and my makeup kit, heading to the bathroom.

I closed the door and opened my makeup kit. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and brushed my teeth. Then I brushed my hair and slung it into a messy bun.

Turning on the warm water, I lathered some face wash onto my face, rubbed it in for a solid minute, and then washed it off. Face still wet, I opened my eyes, spotted the towel to the right of my hand, and grabbed it. Hardcore swimming right here. I could keep my eyes open underwater forever.

I added some moisturizer to my face and hands, and then started applying makeup. Since it was Friday, I went ahead and added a small tint of blue to my eyeshadow. Just for fun. Also, I did a wing liner. I came out of the bathroom, stomach grumbling again, and looked at my phone again. One hour and a half left. Should be enough time to get dressed, do hair, and eat breakfast downstairs.

"Lani. Lani, wake up." I shook her awake.


"Noelani Clearwater, getcho butt out of that bed this instant!"

She groaned, but climbed out, almost hitting her head on the top bunk. "This is lame. Why are you waking me up on Saturday?"

"It's not Saturday. Still one day left, hun."

"Ughhhhh. That means I have an essay due today. Oh yeah. I finished it."

   "Still nope. You have 10 words and a conclusion to write still."

   "I already hate today."

   "How about this? I get dressed and straighten my hair while you work on your essay, and when I'm done, I'll straighten your hair while you do your makeup. Kay?"


   I went into the bathroom and finished up getting ready. By that time, Lani had finished half of her conclusion. Hey, this stuff is pretty hard.

   I straightened a bit of her hair while she did that, and finished when she was doing her makeup.

   "Cool! All done! You-" I pointed to Lani. "Get dressed. Then we'll go down and get breakfast. We have 30 minutes left."

   While she was getting dressed, I started packing up my messenger bag with all of the thing I needed. My Music teacher asked me to bring in my flute and violin so she could look at them, so I was going to be a bit stuffed today.

   I shoved my essays, flute, paper, and pencils into my bag, and decided I would just carry my violin. At that point, I turned around, and there was I didn't know what it was, but something was wrong. I set down my bag and violin, shoving my phone into my pocket.

   Then I saw. There was a slightly open door beside the bathroom door that I had never seen before. Grabbing my scepter, I walked towards the door slowly, then pushed it open all the way with my foot.

   Suddenly, all of the lights turned on in that room. "Whoa..." It was a kitchen. A very large kitchen. It had an oven, a microwave, a sink and a dishwasher, a fridge, freezer, and deep freeze, a small table with two chairs, a pantry, and many countertops with drawers. I walked in timidly, surprised at the fact that we had never noticed this before. I opened the fridge, and I saw all types of breakfast foods; eggs, milk, croissants, tortillas, sausage, cream cheese, and bacon. I opened a pantry door, and there was pancake mix, cereal, oatmeal, and bagels.

   I immediately took out some pancake mix, followed the directions, and put it in a waffle iron I found in one of the drawers. I oiled it, used a measuring scoop, and poured it in. Closing it, I waited for the green light by getting Noelani.


   "Ok, ok, coming." She grumbled. "What's th-" she stopped, open-mouthed, gaping at the kitchen and the perfect waffle that I had just taken out. I poured in another one.

   "How did y- what did you d-" she kept stammering.

   "I don't know, I just found it! Waffles?" I placed three waffles on a plate and handed to her. Butter is probably in the fridge, and syrup is probably in the pantry. She put the plate on the table and browsed the fridge. "Here it is." She got the syrup as well. " you have any silverware?"

   "Nope! Just look in all of the drawers."

   I gave myself three waffles, dressed them up, and started eating.


Sorry, it's super short. I really just wanted to get you guys a chapter.


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