Chapter Four

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Thanks for the chap, Lunabrine ! Go check out her account, she has some super cool books!

-Noelani's POV-

We enter the classroom. It was massive! "Okay, class. My name is Diana, and I would like for you all to split up into three groups. 6 girls in each group, please."

Iris, Aestia, and I look at each other with excited smiles. But suddenly, there were 2 spots in the middle group, and one in the first.
"You two can take the middle group. I have a feeling that the first group is the graceful moving group. I really want to do that one!" Iris says, walking over to the other group.

"Excited, girls?" Mrs. Diana asked. The girls clapped. "Okay, first group, please grab your sceptors, and change into dancing shoes. You're going to practice ballroom dancing.
Middle group, you all will practice how to greet other royals, and dress properly. I'd like you to walk to the other side of the room and choose proper clothing. Third group,
please take a seat at the table, you all will be learning your table manners."

We walked over to the other side of the room, where what seemed to look like lockers were. I pressed a button, and a curtain extended over the locker. Suddenly, there was a
selection of shoes. I grabbed the studded boots, and suddenly an alarm went off. A lady about 23 came over. "No, no, no. You must dress royaly! Those boots arent appropriate when
your guests would be dressing quite fancy. Here, try these instead." she says, pulling a pair of silver flats off the shelf, handing them to me. They were quite beautiful. I put them
on, and suddenly the shoes sparkled a bit. They sparkled only for a moment, quite briefly- right down to the silver bow at the top. "Now let's get you a dress!" she says, pressing a
button. There were now dresses hanging from a rod. One sparkly in pink. She motioned to that one, and I made a gagging noise.

"Too pink. Bleh" I say. She motions to the other next to it. A poofy purple ballgown with a sparkly silver belt. "Hmm... much better. But, no. It's just not.. me."

"You know what, I think I've got the correct thing for you!" she says, pressing another button. The rod moves, and there's a whole new line of clothing. They're all yellow, blue, and black.
I point to the black, red, and silver one. It was long, thin to poofy, and looked great with the shoes. It had red at the top, with rose prints in black. Silver studs at the top, and black as the skirt.
I twirl around in it, and I pull out my sceptor. I think about putting my hair in a bun with a braid crown around the bun. I wave it over my head, and it was suddenly beautiful! It had a strand of wavy hair
in front of my ear, which completed the perfect imperfection look. "Now for your gloves!" she says, pressing another button.

"I dont like any of those.. they're all white and pink. None go with my outfit." I say, waving my sceptor over my right hand. Did I mention I'm left handed?
The citrines started to glow. Suddenly, a pair of black fingerless fabric gloves with red lace at the ends appear on my hands.

"You're excellent at this! That is the correct thing to do! If nothing matches, make it yourself! But dont use your sceptor for everything. You'll get too used to it, and wont remember how to work!"
She claps, and the curtain rolls back into the locker. I suddenly see Aestia standing there with a wide smile on her face, wearing a high-low deep blue dress. There was a dark turquoise ribbon around
her waist, with studs over the top like mine. Hers was strapless, and mine had one strap over my right shoulder, balancing out the sceptor holding arm and the other arm doing nothing. The train on Aestia's dress followed her
as she walked, the fabric not really getting dirty at all. This school was really clean! The blonde lady who was helping me choose my outfit was admiring my tiara.
"Oh wow! How I adore your tiara! Where did you get it?" she asked.

"Where everyone got theirs?.. She made them customized from the start.." I say.

"really? That's not normal! If you havent noticed, everyone usually gets the same training tiara. You must be quite special for her to just offer you a customized tiara." she says.
I think back, and realize; everyone DID have the same tiaras. Just different gemstones.. I think, and raise an eyebrow. I look out the window across the room by the door. We were on the
other side, across from the jewelry store. I stare down there.

"Interesting... thank you for the information." I say, and look past her, to Aestia, raising an eyebrow, suspecting the jewelry lady knew something about us that we didn't. Aestia got the memo. She nods back at me.

"Now, time for your training on manners when you meet other royals. What do you say when you meet another royal your age?"

"Welcome to our kingdom! how do you do?" I say, curtsy-ing and looking the lady straight in the eye when doing so, then I hold out my hand.

"Excellent! What about when you're meeting the king or queen of a different kingdom when they come to visit?"

"Good morning/afternoon/evening Madame e misour." I say in French. "It's a pleasure to be in your presence."

"Same to you, princess Noelani of the Aqualandian Islands." she replies, bowing. I see Iris dancing in the background, while half of her group is balancing book upon their heads, while the other group is
eating salads. Suddenly, the bell rings. "Good job, Princess Noelani. You did a good job, you may keep the dress." she says, smiling.

"Class dismissed. See you tomorrow, Princesses!" Diana says. We all exit the class, smiles on our faces. Iris meets us by a pillar.

"Fancy dresses, girls!" Iris says.

"Thank you! We did well in class, so they let us keep the dresses." Aestia says.

"Odd.. that doesn't usually happen, but okay." Iris says.

"It seems everything that's happened to us is odd." Aestia says.

"True. It's like the entire school know something about us, that we don't.. After I finish lunch, I'm going to search for answers. Let's eat quickly, so we can investigate." I say, as we walk down the stairs to the cafe with Iris and Aestia.

Royal AcademyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora