7. I thought, heaven can't help me now.

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The first episode of season 4 began playing and she skipped through the first 10 minutes.

Jensen, or rather I say, Dean, was knocking on a motel room door when Gen popped up on the screen with Jared walking up behind her.

I turned towards her quickly, a look of shock and joy and I don't know what else spread over my face, she was laughing at my reaction.

"How did I not know you met on the show?!" I questioned.

She shook her head. "I have no clue, but let me tell you I am grateful for the shows fans because if they would've let it get cancelled Jared and I probably would've never met."

I sat there quietly for a minute, pondering.

"What are you thinking about?" Italia asked.

"Do you think Rob would mind if I went over to your place to talk to Stephen alone? You guys could stay here? I just don't want him to have to leave Mavi."

"No need to explain. I'm sure Robbie wouldn't mind. Apparently your couch is very comfortable. A story you are going to have to tell me eventually." I laughed recalling the night Robbie made himself at home here.

I said a quick goodbye to the girls and made my way to Italia's.

As I pulled up Robbie was already pulling out of the driveway. He gave me a thumbs up before driving away.

I made my way to the door and knocked.

"Emily.." Stephen said surprised.

"Sorry I don't want to interrupt. I just—"

"No. No. Come in." He cut me off and gestured for me to come inside.

I set my purse down and he led me to the living room where Mavi was asleep in her swing.

"I just put her down. I'm sure she would've loved to see you though."

I smiled and watched her sleep for a minute. She looked so peaceful and it didn't take long for me to start feeling guilty about being here.

"Don't do that." Stephen said sternly.

"Do what?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "You know what."

"Well what do you expect from me?" I asked. I didn't mean to but my gaze diverted to his left hand, his shiny black wedding band still on his finger.

I stood up ready to walk out of the door again, but I stopped in my tracks. I couldn't keep running away from my problems. We would have to figure this out tonight or I would have to get out of my contract with Arrow. I simply couldn't live like this anymore and we had only been filming for a month.

"Let's talk in here." He led me to the kitchen and turned on the baby monitor.

He pulled out a bottle of Nocking Point wine and two glasses. "I'm guessing this will be needed. However this conversation goes."

I agreed and he poured me a glass.

"What do you want to do here?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

Stephen's POV

She shrugged her shoulders and I put my head down taking a deep breath.

"We aren't going to get anywhere if you won't tell me how you really feel." I stated.

She sighed. "You know how I feel, Stephen. I love you. I think I have since the moment I met you, but you have a life made for yourself and I don't want to be just another tabloid story. You know, I think I could handle the damage to my career, but not what this will eventually do to your daughter."

I took a drink. Mostly to give me a little time to come up with a response.

"I need you to not worry about Mavi. She will be fine. When she's old enough I will sit down and explain to her how things really happened. That should be the least of your worries because by the time she is old enough this story will be yesterday's news." I laughed at how paranoid she was being, but she obviously didn't find it amusing.

"This isn't funny. Any minute Cassandra could walk in and I would be the one that wouldn't have the right to be here."

"And that's why I'm divorcing her!" I countered.

She looked back at my wedding ring and I took it off.

"Don't take it off now." She said.

I threw my hands up angrily. "What do you want from me then, Emily?!"

She shushed me. "You're going to wake up—" the monitor began buzzing and Mavi's cries sounded throughout the room. "—Mavi." She finished.

I tried to go get her but Emily put her hand up and made her way to the living room.

I followed behind her quietly anyway and watched as she picked Mavi up and rocked her gently back to sleep.

She sat down on the recliner and continued to rock her. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of them before Emily noticed I was watching.

I was about to go sit with them when Boo and Daisy, Italia and Robbie's dogs, started barking. I quieted them down before they woke up Mavi. I looked to the door at the same time as Em.

"Cassandra." I said in disbelief.

Her eyebrows furrowed in anger and she was practically shooting daggers at us with her eyes.

She shook her head. "I thought I would come by and try to salvage what was left of our marriage, but I see you've already moved on."

She made her way to Emily and grabbed Mavi out of her arms.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled.

She grabbed the diaper bag and walked to the door. "Taking my daughter home. Have fun with your whore."

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