Bed ridden

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I was at a loss for words. I couldn't even say anything if I knew what to say. 
My throat had dried up and I couldn't muster a word. Even my breath had begun to sputter and I couldn't control it. They wanted to kill me... Even I just found out I was imperator... How did they know to target me? "H-.." I tried to speak but it came out as a barely audible whisper with a series of cracks cutting through it. I swallowed the small amount of spit that gathered in my mouth and I started slowly speaking.

"H-how do they know..." Capable sighed slowly and clenched her jaw. "We didn't realize they thought retaliating was an option. We sent a message to them in hopes of alliance against gas town, we gave them information but they just used it against us." I shook my head in utter denial. Why me? Why did furiosa pick me? I can't do anything while I'm stuck in this bed, I can't possibly be good for the Citedal... especially when gas town wants my blood to stain the road to Valhalla. "Why can't you be imperator..." I hadn't realized what I was actually saying until it was to late. I had just told Capable to take my place in the bed of death. I was going to speak but she got up and left before I could...

"The Dag will be coming in to sit with you." And with that capable vanished from the vault. "Kinda harsh don't ya think?" I looked over to see Nux staring at me with his piercing blue eyes.
"Nux I didn't mean it... I wasn't thinkin and it just kinda came out..." He nodded but I could tell he was still thinking of my response...
I really didn't mean it the way it sounded. I just in all honesty don't want to be imperator. Now even more that my life is at risk.
"Anyways, what are we supposed ta do while we're stuck 'ere?" He turned his head so he was staring at the cold rocky ceiling above. "Not to sure. But we are stuck 'ere for a while." I looked towards he and saw him smiling and chuckling lightly at the ceiling. He looked at me and halted his laughter. "I've never noticed how thick yer accent was." I fluttered my eyes and nodded. "And how ya picked up
On all the slang. You sound like a true war girl."
"I'd like to think I am." Slowly I shifted my body so it was facing Nux.
He did the same making sure to not put pressure on his broken bones. "Of course ya are. No other girl could survive a crash like that." He grinned and gestured his head to my body. "Oh um... You were gonna say somethin before the crash but..." I opened my mouth to speak but I had nothing to say. I never told him. He still doesn't know... Could I even tell him now? It just seemed.... Wrong... We were being attacked by gas town. I didn't have time to deal with some school girl crush... No matter how much it clawed at my insides. "It was nothing." He looked puzzled
But dropped it. I didn't want to tell him and he knew it. "Okay..." 

He turned away from me and went back to staring at the ceiling. I also tuned away and looked up at the rough rock sheltering our heads. I didn't realize it until now but there were scribbles covering its surface. My mother had taught me how to read to some extent but it was tough now that i hadn't done it in a number of years... "You don't  own us..." Nux turned his head and stared at me with his eyebrows pushed together. "What?" He questioned.
I slept raised my good hand off of the bed and pointed at the ceiling. "What it says." Instead of the puzzled look being torn away it only grew.
"You can read?"  I slowly nodded and took one of the books from the table beside the cot. "Do you want me to read to you? I can't read perfectly but I still can..." He hastily nodded and turned to face me.
I find it So crazy how in one moment he can be a perfect adult who you can have conversations with and in the next he's transformed into a child aching to see what this world has to offer. Which at the end of the day isn't much. I looked at the cover of the book and saw a closeup of a black bird on the front. "I can't make it out perfectly but pretty sure Edgar Allen Poe? Whoever that is wrote it.." He nodded, already looking intrigued by his name.
I opened to the first page and began to read.
"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak, and weary..."


When I closed the book I looked over at Nux and saw him staring wide eyed at me.
"Blade can ya read more?"
"Not right now... Reading that was pretty tough. I haven't read since I was a pup."
A look of disappointment crossed over his face as I put down the book on the table. "Wait... How did ya know how to spell my name if ya can't read?"
He shrugged his shoulders and stuck out his bottom lip. "I asked organic how ta spell it. He can read, and spell." I nodded and closed my eyes.
Reading made me really tired...


Sorry for such a boring chapter.... I haven't updated in forever and I wanted k get something out to all of you. Anyways I hope you kind of enjoyed the Nux and Blade bonding time XD

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