Road to Recovery

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I woke up with a searing pain shooting throughout my body, starting at my stiff neck and ending at my burned feet. I couldn't move my body and there were hushed voices shooting around the room I was in. Panic started to rush around my body and my instincts told me to get out of here as soon as possible. I tried to sit up but  my wrist cracked under the pressure of my weight and I toppled back onto the cot, a weak whimper escaped my lips and all The voices were cut off. "She's awake!" There was a collective group of thundering footsteps banging against a stone floor, I felt a slight wind drift by me and knew that whoever it was in this room was now standing directly beside me. "Blade..." I felt a hand press up against my forehead and shivered under the sudden touch. I slowly peeled my eyes open and looked at Capable's tall figure towering above me. "You're awake!" I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "You sound surprised..." She glance down at my legs and then trailed her eyes up my entire body.

I slowly moved my eyes to the bottom half of my body and was completely stunned at what I saw. My entire left leg was covered in this strange white coating and there were beige bandages wrapped around my other ankle. You could see my bruised, cut leg through what used to be my pants. I felt a pang in my throat as the memories of that Day came flooding back. The rig gone,
Immortans fleet gone, immortan gone. And Nux... I felt a lump grow in my throat and my eyes widened. "Nux.." It came out in a barely audible croak but Capable understood. She moved away from where she stood and across from her on the other bed, Nux's torn Mangled body was peacefully resting. He had the same white substance wrapped around his Leg and one on both of his arms. A sigh of relief left my lips. Nux was fine, Badly injured but fine. "Capable... What happened...?" I had lost a fair bit of my memory of the past few days...I had no idea why I was I got back to the Citedal...the past few days were knocked from my mind. "Rictus almost killed you and Nux. As far as we know he's dead but we can't be sure." I nodded my head and knit my eyebrows together. "When will I be better?" Capable gave me a sympathetic smile and bent down to my level. "You can't leave this bed for a month..." My eyes widened at her words. "A month!? I'll be stuck in this bed for a month!?" She nodded and pursed her lips into a thin line. "I'm afraid so. I'm sorry Blade." I closed my eyes and ignored her. There's no way I'm gonna be in here for an entire month. I will get better sooner, I Will.

I was about to tell Capable to leave, but a loud groan from beside me stopped me. I turned my head slowly and saw Nux with his wide, ocean blue eyes gazing up at the ceiling. His breathing was uneven and his body was shaking. Capable rushed to his side and grabbed his hand. I tried to speak but I was at a loss for words, every time
I tried to speak nothing came out just a barely audible squeak. Capable calmed him down enough for him to stop shaking but his breathing was still uneven, even more so than before. I couldn't here most of what they were saying but Nux kept frantically saying my name. "Nux, she's fine just relax." There were more hushed voices being passed back and forth, I could hear the frustration grow in Capable's voice. She just wanted Nux to calm down and go back to sleep, just like me. But he was much more persistent than me. "Capable, let me see 'er!" With one last defeated sigh capable moved away so Nux could clearly see me. His scarred lips lifted into a slight grin as he rested his eyes on my battered body, once he saw the state I was in the smile disappeared. He squinted his eyes and stared at me. "Yer hurt..." I nodded my head and looked down at the floor with a grim look on my face. "So are you, Nux." He looked down at his own mangled body and his eyes widened as if this was the first time he'd seen his distraught figure. He fired up into another panic and tried to get up from the bed. He put pressure on his broken arm and collapsed back to the cot with a pain filled scream escaping from his lips. I shuddered at the scratchy noise and leaned my head back to regather my senses. Nux's breathing had quickened and once again was ragged and uneven. It hurt me to see my best friend like this. So torn up about his immobility, not even Capable's soft, soothing voice could snap him out of his panicked trance. It almost made me want to cry... But I couldn't. For the sake of everyone here I needed to stay strong, no matter what. All of the white clay had washed off of Nux's and body so now he was just a pale, skinny body. His face began to go red from the lack of breath, his face grew more and more red as he continued his panicked Frenzy.

I could feel the panic rise from the pit of my stomach as Nux started to cough and gasp for breath. Capable did her very best to calm him down but it did nothing, every wheezing breath he took brought him one step closer to a bed in the ground. Suddenly a thought tore its way through my mind. Before I said anything I looked up at Nux, the look on his face shook me to the core. He thought he was going to die.

Honours of a war girl || sequel of Bad to the Bone Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon