"Hey.. Can I? Come in?.." He asked shyly.

"Of course! Come on!" She motioned him inside and told him to make himself comfortable on the couch.

"So.. This is your place?" He asked.

"Yeah it's pretty cozy here, quiet. I like it."

"And how's life?"

"Jacob...", she said sadly, "I know you're not here to talk about me or my life. What happened? What's going on?"

He was silent for a moment. Kirsten was worried that what she had said had come out the wrong way. She waited a few minutes to give him time to speak up.

"Jacob.. I-"

"No.. Kirsten.. It's fine really. You're right I should probably tell you why I'm here."

Kirsten smiled reassuringly, and waited for him to begin talking again. He sat for a moment trying to gather himself together before speaking.

"I went to see my dad, hoping that maybe he would want to see me too. But as you can see.." He laughed slightly, and pointed to his black eye,"it didn't turn out so well."

"Jacob I'm so sorry.." Kirsten began to cry. She couldn't begin to imagine how it felt to have a father who didn't want anything to do with you.

He stuck his hand up, "don't be", he said,"I did it to myself." He looked down at his hands and then back up at Kirsten. I was just wondering if it would be alright if I stayed here... Just until I got out on my own.."

Kirsten didn't take a second to hesitate. She loved Jacob, and after all they were family.

"Of course you can. It would be nice to have some company!" She smiled. "I'll go and fix your guest room!"

"Hey Kirsten?"


"Thank you.. For letting me stay." Jacob said gratefully.


Los Angeles, California



Cameron cut her off and slammed his phone down. He was so happy, but at the same time he felt so stupid.

'Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.' He thought to himself.

She had sounded so awkward about wanting to see him, and he was worried that he was moving too fast with her. Cameron couldn't help it. He had, had so much fun talking to her, and he had felt like he'd known her for years.

He laid in bed, going over and over and over what he said, and how he said it. It seemed like no matter how he tried to reword it, or how to say it, it never fit right coming out of his mouth. He finally realized it was in the past, and that he should probably just go to sleep.

Cameron looked at his phone and checked the time.

1:30 a.m.

He knew he wasn't going to be able to sleep, how could he? He was meeting his new friend in less than 12 hours. He decided to write a letter. Something he loved doing. That was part of the reason he started "#LetterToCam" in the first place.

Dear Kirsten Ray,

Within the first few hours of actually getting to know you, I have never felt so alive. We talked for 4 hours yet, it seems like we've never stopped talking.

I hope to find a great friend within you. Hopefully a great best friend. But truly what's amazing is this feeling that I'm feeling.. It's like when I'm talking to you, my words can't seem to come out right, and I get all tongue tied.

Oh tell me dear Kirsten... What is this feeling?.. This may be the answer to question #7.

Or maybe, I'm just a fool.

Always & forever, writing letters,
Cameron Dallas

He sighed, "I could never give this to her."

He put it in an envelope and sealed it. He proceeded to write Kirsten Ray on the front, but never finished filling it out.

He opted out on mailing it. What was the point. He would just make himself sound stupid. He stuck the letter in his pants pocket, climbed into bed, and drifted off to sleep.

A/N OKAY! Hello guys! I'm the author! Haha, I'm going to try and update this as much as I can! Make sure you comment and let me know some feedback! Also, if the chapters are too long please let me know! Thanks!

Xoxo, blushingcam ☺️😚

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