01| pɛʀmɪssɪoɴ

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Inojin's POV:

The sound of the leaves circling my aura is magnetic. I breathe in heavily, exhaling calmly.

"Can we get on with this already" The spikey haired sloth groaned.

Growing aggravated, I open my eyes focusing fully into him.

"Ok then, since you want this over quickly-" with not a second to spare, I was already behind Shika holding a Kunai against his throat.

"I'll finish you off quicker than I planned" Taunt. That was the only way to get him to come at me full force. The only way he'll actually try.


Shika grabbed my hand twisting it dropping the Kunai I was holding on the ground. Then flipped me over so no my back was facing him. In seconds he had my face hitting the ground. Gripping my arm behind my back.

"Don't taunt me pig" I could basically feel Shika's smirk from behind me.

"Don't underestimate me Lazy Bum" With that my body became a mist. A beautiful pastel mint green mixed with a alluring lavender purple. My body became air as my human form disintegrated from gravity.

My mist circled all around shika trapping him, similar to his Shadow Strangle Justu.

My upper body became physical behind him as my lower still remained a limbless cloud.

"A little trick I picked up from Kurenai Sensei, impressed?" I said while again now having a Kunai pressed against his throat.

"Heh... We'll look at that the little pig learned a new magic trick. Ninja Art: Poisen Haze "

Threatening, I pressed the Kunai a bit harder against his neck.

"This PIG is kicking your lazy ass" I said with a hint of laughter.

With that I backed off him, releasing the jutsu.

Shika immediately sighed and slouched on the floor.

"C'mon Shika your supposed to take this seriously. Sensei ordered us to train on the weekends"

"We'll too bad, I'm just not that energetic about training like you are"

He folded his arms comfortably on his chest relaxing his head on the soft grass.

I gently smiled. "It's weird. You look so much like your dad it's insane"

I walked over sitting down beside him. Opening y pouch I took out my drawing pad and utensil.

"Hmph, Your one to talk you look like your dad and mom literally mixed together" shika said examining my face.

"I can understand that."

I took my rubber band that was holding my hair and let it loose. Exposing my long.... Verrrryyyy long hair, its already reaching my butt loose.

I sighed.

"A lot like your mom now"

He touched my hair lightly twirling it for a second, then letting it go.

"We'll, I might cut it soon anyway" I said fixing my hair into a bun.

"Huh, why?" He asked.

"We'll besides getting confused for a younger version of my mother 24/7 it honestly gets in the way. And to be honest.... I don't think long hair gives me justice."

"What do you mean?-"

I pressed my pencil upon my paper beginning to draw.

"I think you look totally fine with long hair"

I shrugged at his gesture to change my mind.

The noise of the wind, calmed our whole atmosphere. You can hear the wind actually moving from directions. The grass on the ground we were on, moving with it.

I just love this type of feeling. The feeling of peace.

I looked at Shika who went back to relaxing. Jeez when he relaxes he goes full throttle eyes closed and everything. I then viewed his posture. Though he was lazy all hours of the day he was really firm. You can tell he had muscles though he wouldn't really wanna show them off.

"Shika... Can I draw you?" I asked curiously


My eyes widened at his really quick response.

"Wha- why not??"

"Because it involves work, and I'm not in the working mood... Like ever"

"Standing still, isn't work" I said annoyed

"No but knowing you you'd want me in a pose" He said opening his eyes to give me a dull look.

"-" I stopped my reply getting a bit frustrated. And slowly just went back to my work. Drawing a nearby flower.

Shika focused a bit more on me. "What?... That's it"

"What do you mean?" I asked holding back whatever small amount of angering was holding towards him.

"You just gave up, you didn't even continue to ask"

"Why waste my time on someone who's just going to say no, every single time I try"

Silence sat with us, as not one of us said a word.

I still felt Shika's eyes on me.

I huffed starting to get up. "Ughh whatever." But before I can walk away, Shika grabbed my arm.

"Shut up...." He sighed "Tommorow good?"

And with those exact words my eyes fluttered like crazy. I immediately glomped him, whilst he was still laying down. "Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Gah, Ino get of me!"

"Is eight okay?" I asked to excited for reason.

"Eight what"

"Eight A.M."

Shika's face jolted back in shock. "That way too early!"

"But it's when I'm most creative, please!" I begged.

Shika sighed again "Uggghhh Ino your a pain"

I grumbled at him "Eh, yea don't call me Ino"

Shika smiled at that. "You call me Shika for short, I'll call you Ino for short"

"Whatever fine, so your gonna be there?" I asked moving the previous topic aside.

"Where exactly?"

"My house... My room"


A smile smeared itself on my face. I was genuinely happy. I've never drawn someone other than my parents or objects. It always felt we of as if I'm not asking for their permission.

"Okay then, it's settled" I said blushing a bit. I can't wait.


Okay hoped you liked chapter one to this adventure pack, all about Inojin and Shikadai. I'll only write more chapter when I'm in the mood these are technically supposed to be a lot of one shots nice together, but I felt itd make more sense if I show how they end up together first and all that jazz so... Yea lol ciao~ xoxo

Painting Shadows (Shikadai x Inojin) [PAUSED]Where stories live. Discover now