Chapter 7

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Felix found himself sitting in shotgun beside Andrew in what appeared to be a Red Mazda. Felix turned around to see Andrew smiling at him. "Like the car?" Felix managed a slight nod and Andrew couldn't help but chuckle. "My job may suck, but it pays well." "Wow...I can see that..." Alex sighed with a smile as he looked at the window to his side, eyes half lidded with a sense of leisure. Alex started up the car and turned back to Felix with a big smile. "So after this do you want me to drop you off here or do you want to head to my place?" Felix looked back at Andrew and then out the front window pondering. "...Would it be alright if...Actually...Um..." Andrew leaned closer to Felix. "You need some time to think about it?" "Y-Yeah...Is that ok?" "Sure it is!" Andrew placed a gentle kiss on Felix's cheek, the light-brunette's face turning into a pinkish hue. "You can tell me afterwards, alright?" Felix nodded and smiled. "Th-Thanks." "Anything for you Felix." Felix couldn't help the large grin that spread across his face. 

As Andrew got out of the car, he walked over to Felix's door and opened it for him, gesturing to the outside world as a courtesy. Felix couldn't help but giggle as he stepped out of the car. "Thank you." As a response, Andrew took Felix's hand and and kissed it gently. Felix giggled again as his face flushed bright pink. 

Andrew walked with Felix into the restaurant. After a few minutes, Felix found himself sitting down at a table with a glass wall at his right, overlooking a large body of water. Felix turned to his left and saw that the entire restaurant seemed to be filled. Felix exhaled deeply yet quietly as he continued to stare at his surroundings. A large smile filled his face, and after a few more moments Felix turned his attention back to Andrew. "Wow...Andrew this is...You didn't have to..." Andrew smiled as Felix spoke. "Of course I had to. What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't?" Andrew chuckled softly afterwards as he took Felix's hands into his own. "Plus, you've made my world a whole lot more enjoyable." Andrew leaned in and placed a kiss on Felix's cheek. There was a moment of silence as Andrew exhaled deeply yet silently. "I love you so much." Felix had a large smile on his face. "I love you too..." Andrew smiled at Felix for a moment more before a waiter walked up to the table. Menus were handed to the two and the waiter left with a quick nod. Andrew scanned the list for what seemed appetizing. His eyes looked up at Felix. "Anything catch your attention?" Felix hummed as he pondered. "I'm not too sure...Whatever you're having I'll have." "I don't want you eating something you don't like Felix." "I'm not that much of a picky eater. Anything's fine as long as you're ok with it." Andrew sighed and raised an eyebrow slightly, a smile on his face. "Are you sure? I don't want you to not enjoy this date. I want to make sure you'll remember this...And not because of some horrible thing that happened here." Felix giggled at Andrew's remark and nodded his head. "I'm sure. And if I don't want to eat then I won't eat at all." "But that's not how dates work. You're supposed to eat. This is why I want you choosing something you'll like instead of me choosing something you won't like." "How do you know whether or not I'm going to like it?" "That's exactly the point. I don't. Which is why, I strongly recommend that you-" "Ok ok..." Felix smiled at Andrew and placed a quick peck on his lips, giggling as the man's face became a bright crimson afterwards. Andrew couldn't help but smile at Felix.

After several minutes, Felix and Andrew finally received their meals. As Felix started to take small bites, Andrew just stared at him with half lidded eyes and a smile. After a few minutes, Felix realized this and looked up at Andrew after he had swallowed. "Are you going to start eating Andrew?" "...Sooner or later yes..." Andrew sighed as he continued to stare at Felix, even though the light-brunette was staring right back at him. Felix smiled and dabbed his mouth with a napkin. "You're food's going to get cold you know. Also, I thought you said the way dates work is that you have to eat while on a date." "Did I say that? I don't remember...Still, I'd rather watch you instead." Felix blushed slightly and stared down at his lap as he continued to smile. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather eat?" Andrew hummed a yes as he continued to watch the light-brunette in front of him. "I'm sure." Felix rolled his eyes in a playful manner as he placed his napkin back on his lap. "Fine, then I'm going to watch you then." Andrew raised an eyebrow slightly, the rest of his face still the same, before returning back to his original face a few moments later. "Alright. If you'd like to."

A few minutes had passed and Felix had just picked his fork back up when suddenly, he felt a pair of lips meet his own. Felix closed his eyes shut before reopening them once the lips had pulled back. Andrew was leaning over the table and returned back to sitting normally in a matter of seconds. "You had something on your mouth...'Thought you'd want me to get it for you." Felix blushed madly as he started to giggle. "Oh my goodness Andrew..." Andrew smiled widely as the light-brunette continued to giggle. "I'm serious, there really was something on your lips." "Was there really?" Andrew paused for a moment and the table was silent. "...Possibly." Felix continued to smile at Andrew as he shook his head. "Oh Andrew...What am I going to do with you..." Andrew grabbed Felix's hand and placed it on his cheek. "Whatever fits your interest I suppose." Felix rolled his eyes once again and placed a kiss on Andrew's lips once more. "That works for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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