Chapter 2

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Andrew shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked down the street. It was freezing cold. Andrew was sure his face was about to turn to ice. Andrew fished out the small slip of paper Felix had given him and pondered. "Thank god he wrote down his address too..." Andrew smiled as he put the paper back in his pocket. His heart jumped a bit when he thought about Felix, just a little. Andrew paused.

"You just met the guy you can't just start thinking of stupid things. Besides, I doubt he'd be into a guy who loses his temper every chance he gets."

Andrew paused. What if Felix was ok with that? 

"Now that's just ridiculous! What am I thinking. I just met him, we barely even know each other. All I know is that he's from Oregon and that he's adorable-"

Andrew paused once more. "What is up with me today?" he muttered quietly under his breath. Andrew continued to walk down the sidewalk when he finally reached Felix's apartment. "Room 289..." Andrew stepped inside of the building and sighed of relief as he felt the warmth from the heating in the lobby seep in. Andrew walked towards the receptionist's desk and stood in front of the woman behind the table. "Excuse me?" The receptionist immediately turned around and smiled widely. "Hi! Is there something you need?" "Yes I'd like to know where room 289 is please." "289? Hey! I know that room! That's where Felix lives!" "You mean you know Felix?" "Yeah! I used to know him in school. I always like to remember every single one of my friends, and I love making new ones too! I'm Joy by the way!" Joy stuck out her hand to Andrew who had been surprised by how fast Joy spoke. It took him a second or two before he realized he was supposed to shake her hand. "I'm Andrew." "Wow! Cool name! So Andrew, you just go into the elevator and press the floor 3 button." Joy made a button pressing motion with her index finger, "Ding!" Andrew paused before he nodded slightly at the overly energetic woman in front of him. He walked towards the elevator and gave her a small wave. Joy waved with both her arms swinging frantically.

As the elevator doors closed Andrew was still somewhat surprised by Joy's enthusiasm. He decided to forget about it and turn his attention back to why he had come in the first place. "Felix." Andrew smiled as he thought of Felix. Those brown eyes behind those red glasses just made that adorable face look even cuter. Andrew sighed. "Felix..."

As the elevator doors reopened, Andrew exited from the elevator and started walking down a few corridors. Eventually, Andrew found himself standing in front of room 289. He gulped. Why did he gulp? Andrew wasn't sure, but he knew that something inside of him that coming to see Felix was a mistake.

"You just met the guy! What if he only gave you his number to be polite? I mean sure, that's never the case, but who knows?! There's a first time for everything."

Andrew waited in front of the door for a few more seconds. Then a few more minutes. Nobody came to the door.

"See? You were right. He's probably not opening up 'cause he doesn't want you to come. He probably didn't even think you would come anyways."

Andrew sighed sadly. Maybe Felix really didn't want him around. He turned around and started to walk down the corridor when suddenly, a young man with a brown satchel ran into Andrew at high speed. The two went falling down on top of one another, and it only took Andrew a moment to realize that the man he had bumped into was none other than the man he had came to see in the first place. "Felix!" "Andrew?" Felix's eyes suddenly brightened up when he spoke Andrew's name. Felix beamed at Andrew and stood up, right before offering his hand to Andrew who was still on the floor. Andrew grabbed his hand and Felix helped hoist him up, only to almost end up falling over again. "S-Sorry. I-I'm not that strong." "Felix...I-I thought you were at home." "Oh yeah! Sorry about that, I had something at work I had to take care of." "So what's with the hurry?" "Oh! Nothing, it's just that I like to get home as soon as possible. I'm sort of...Well..." "What? What is it?" 

A slight hue of pink filled Felix's face. "I-I'm kind of afraid..." "Afraid of what?" "Afraid of city streets...I mean, so many people's cars with blaring horns, I'm sometimes afraid I'm going to get a heart attack! I'm really a scaredy cat." Andrew stopped for a moment. "That's nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone's afraid of something." "Wh-Who said I'm embarrassed?" Andrew pointed at his cheeks. "That bright blush of yours." Felix's face turned a bright shade of red. "O-Oh...I-I d-didn't know...Um..." There was a small silence between the two. "...Well since you're here why don't you and I chat in my room?" "That sounds like a nice idea." Felix smiled, and Andrew noticed that even the tips of his ears had turned red.

"I'm spending some of my valuable and meaningful time with an adorable guy who's from Oregon and afraid of California...This might actually be worth it."

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