Chapter Sixteen

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Raymond was on edge that night as he listened to Claire singing a lullaby as she tucked little Ray into bed. He heard Ray tell his mother that he loved her and several moments later he heard the shutting of a door and Claire walked back into the sitting room.

Claire wrapped her arms around Raymond's neck from behind his arm chair and kissed his cheek. Raymond loved this woman more than life. They had been married nearly twelve years before, after several years she had finally gotten pregnant with Raymond Junior and now little Ray was nearly seven and still an only child. Raymond was just thankful that God had given them at least one miracle.

"You act as if something is on your mind tonight." Claire said softly. Raymond grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her around the chair and into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist which was still just as tiny as it had been when they'd gotten married.

"It's nothing, dear." he replied and he could tell that she didn't believe him but she respected him enough not to question him further.

"Come on to bed, my husband, and I will take care of you." She said pressing her lips to his ear. He raised his hand to her soft red curls and smiled.

"Go on." he said. "I'll be there as soon as I get this place locked up." Claire nodded and stood up. He looked up at her warm smile and noticed the tiny wrinkles around her eyes and mouth that hadn't been there twenty years ago when they'd met. She was still the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

"Don't take too long." she teased and then walked down the hall to their bedroom. Raymond sighed and rose from his chair. He had expected to hear from Thomas by now but still had heard nothing. He nervously looked out the curtains but the night was cloudy and dark and he could not see very far.

He checked the door to make sure it was locked and secured and was about to blow the lamps out in the sitting room and kitchen when he heard a thud in his and Claire's bedroom.

"Claire, are you okay?" he called out. Silence followed and he felt panic set in. He ran down the hallway and then screamed out in horror when he saw his beautiful Claire lying on the bed with a pool of her own blood around her head, soaking her red hair and the crisp white quilt.

"Claire!" he yelled, running to her and pulling her into his arms. She was sputtering but could not seem to form words as every bit of her life and blood poured from the long cut in her throat. Her dark eyes met his and he could see her pain and her fear.

"I love you, Claire. I am so sorry." Raymond said through his tears. He looked around the room for signs of whoever had attacked his wife but no one was there.

"Daddy!" Ray yelled from his room. Raymond's heart froze in his chest when he heard a familiar laugh.

"Let's go see daddy, shall we?" Thomas said. Raymond's heart fell into the pit of his stomach when Thomas walked into the room holding Ray by the arm.

"Mommy!" Ray screamed when he caught sight of Raymond sitting in the bed holding Claire's blood covered and now lifeless body in his arms. Raymond saw this son was pale and his blue eyes were wide and full of tears.

"It's going to be okay Ray." Raymond said trying his best to sound comforting. He looked up at Thomas.

"Please Thomas, don't hurt my son." he begged. Thomas smiled and Raymond realized that the man had lost his mind. Whatever small shred of humanity that Thomas had once had was gone. His eyes were wild and cold and there was not a sign of guilt, compassion or decency on his face.

"You knew the price you would pay, Raymond. I warned you about what would happen if Callie and Grayson got my money. And do you know what? They have my money. They are in my house and it is your fault.

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