Chapter Fourteen

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"Grayson, I'm afraid there is nothing I can tell you that I haven't already told Callie." Raymond said as he sat across from Callie and Grayson at his desk. His leg was bouncing nervously and his adams apple was working up and down as he tapped his pen on his desktop.

Grayson leaned back in his chair and stretched his long legs out the best he could in front of the tiny desk.

"I want to see my father-in-laws will, Mr. Collier." he replied calmly. Raymond's face paled considerably though he had already heard the marriage news from Thomas.

"Grayson, there is nothing to see." Raymond replied as he shuffled through some papers on his desk. "Now if you two don't mind I have work I need to be getting done." Grayson laid his forearms on the desk and leaned forward.

"Actually we do mind, Raymond. You see that will is very much my wife's business and I don't know if you've heard or not but I've got a bit of a temper when it comes to people not giving Callie what she wants." Callie bit her lip to keep from laughing as Raymond's face turned green. She had often wondered why everyone was so afraid of Grayson. Yeah he was big and he looked awfully scary when he wanted to but he was actually pretty harmless… Or at least he was with her.

"I can't help you, Grayson. Now the two of you need leave my office or else I'll have to call Sheriff Potter." Raymond said and Grayson noticed his eyes fly to the green safe in the corner for easily the fiftieth time since they'd come into his office. Grayson nodded and stood up holding his hands up as a sign of peace.

"Okay, we'll leave." he said. Callie stood quickly and glared up at him and he saw her temper flare in her blue eyes.

"What do you mean we'll leave! I want to see that will!"

"Come on, honey, the man said there is nothing to see." Grayson said turning his back to Raymond and giving Callie a look that clearly said 'trust me'. Callie nodded and then smiled over at Raymond.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Collier." she said politely. Raymond didn't know what to make of this sudden change in her attitude but he was thankful for it. He tipped his bowler hat to her and then Grayson led her out the door.

Raymond leaned back in his chair and looked at the picture of his wife and son sitting on his desk. He hated lying to Callie but Thomas had made it clear that Clair and Raymond Junior would die if Raymond told her the truth and he would not risk their lives.

"Would you mind telling me why we walked away that easily?" Callie asked Grayson as they made their way back to the hotel.

"Let's just say I realized he wasn't going to talk and I came up with a new plan." he replied. Callie raised her brow.

"What kind of plan?" she asked.

"I'd rather not tell you, that way if I get caught sheriff Potter won't be able to arrest you."

"You're going to do something illegal!" Callie demanded. Grayson shrugged as he opened the door to their room and motioned her inside.

"It's only illegal if I get caught." he said. "You have every right to see that will and I'm going to make sure you do." Grayson shut the door and started laying kisses along the back of her neck. Callie stiffened and pulled away from him.

"I'm not in the mood." she stated. "I'm going to go see what I can get done at Annie's." She started back for the door.

"Callie…" Grayson said reaching for her hand but she moved her hand out of his reach.

"I'm not mad, Gray, but I'm not going to encourage this idea of yours and I'm sure there is something I can be doing at Annie's." Grayson stared at the door after she'd slammed it walking out and he shoved his hand through his hair.

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