Chapter Twelve

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Three days later Callie was sitting outside of the diner waiting on Grayson to get back from the farm. She looked out over the dusty street and thought back over the last week and a half since Grayson had come back into her life. Callie should have been happier than she had ever been in her life but something was holding her back.

Grayson worked hard to put on a happy face and try to hide his pain from her but she could see it. She knew that he and his father were still not speaking and Callie had half a mind to go straight to Jack Fields and tell him what a fool he was being and tell him the real story about what had happened between Grayson and Phillip. She would not do that though because it was not her place.

Grayson had trusted her with his secret and she would not betray his trust. She understood his reasons for keeping the story from Jack and although she thought he was being foolish she was also proud of his devotion to his brothers memory.

Most of the whispers around town had stopped. She and Grayson could now walk through the streets without hearing the words 'brother killer', 'cold blooded murderer, or 'Grayson's whore.' Of course the last whisper, 'Grayson's whore' had ended abruptly the first time that Paul Thomas had uttered it outside of the saloon when Grayson and Callie had been walking by and Grayson had proceeded to break his nose. No one else had had the nerve to utter that statement again, at least not where Grayson or Callie could hear them.

Callie knew that she and Grayson needed to speak about their future. She had been putting it off the last few days because she was enjoying their newfound life together but Callie needed to let Grayson know that if he did not want to live here in this town with all of the rumors and bad memories that she would follow him anywhere.

True she loved this town and she had friends here that she would miss dearly but she would do anything to make sure that Grayson was happy and she was starting to doubt that he could ever truly be happy here.

Callie's thoughts were interrupted when she saw Thomas walking out of Raymond Colliers office. Thomas had a smug smile on his face but Raymond looked angry and scared.

"She must never know, Raymond." Callie heard Thomas say. Raymond gave a curt nod and then walked back into his office, slamming the door behind him. She watched Thomas mount his horse and ride away before standing and smoothing out her tan skirt. She was very curious as to why Thomas was having meetings with Raymond and who she was and what she could never know about.

Callie was about to knock on the green door of Raymond's office when she heard a horse gallop to a stop behind her. She turned to see James on Grayson's buckskin, his face full of worry.

"James, what's wrong?" she demanded.

"It's Jack. He's dying and Grayson didn't want to worry you but I thought that you should know…." Callie didn't waste another second before reaching out for James's hand. He helped her into the saddle behind him. They were riding out of town when Peter stopped them.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Jack is dying." Callie replied. Peter nodded.

"I'll be on my way." he said. Callie shook her head.

"No, you don't need to worry about…."

"Hush, Callie, you know I've never been able to mind my own business." he argued. Callie simply nodded and then wrapped her arms tight around James' waist as they galloped out of town.


"Grayson Fields, how dare you not come to town and get me yourself." Callie scolded as she jumped from the horse and ran to Grayson's arms. Grayson glared over at James and Peter.

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