"Don't worry about it, Milosh," Zeke said. "I appreciate your help back there."

Bumble-Boo let out a high pitched chirp.

"Yours, too, Bumble-Boo."

Bumble-Boo made a purring noise in response.

"Hell, I'm even thankful to that weird blue donkey guy. Do we even know his name?"

"No clue," Sadie said while Milosh shrugged and Bumble-Boo shook his head emphatically. "I guess we could call him WBDG. For weird blue donkey guy."

"Works for me," Zeke said. "So anyone have any idea where we're headed to next?"

"The ship left the space station a few hours ago, but I didn't hear anything about our next destination. Maybe we can ask Nulfar about it if he comes back with some medicine for you."

"I don't know if I would trust any medicine that came from that guy. He did try to poison us, remember."

Suddenly there was a loud booming noise and the whole room rocked from side to side, knocking everybody to the floor. Some sort of siren started going off and the lighting changed to a deep red color that blinked on and off.

"What the hell's going on?" Zeke asked as the ship was suddenly rocked again.

"I don't know, but something's not right." Sadie managed to crawl to the door and it whooshed open. The siren was louder out in the hall and hundreds of little green Hooblerians were running back and forth frantically. An emergency sprinkler system seemed to have been activated as water was spraying down from the ceiling.

Nulfar came hustling into the room clearly out of breath. "Brace yourselves, Earthlings. Our ship is under attack."

"I'll bet it was those demon guys I was telling you about," Zeke said.

"What demon guys?" Nulfar said.

"The demon guys that attacked me and were asking questions about your ship. I seriously just told you about this like five minutes ago. You really don't listen to me, do you?"

"Are you telling me that you gave out information of a sensitive nature concerning our expedition to individuals who may have nefarious intentions?" Nulfar asked.

"I didn't realize it was such sensitive information," Zeke said. "Plus they were stomping on my throat at the time. I wasn't super inclined to be withholding information."

"We'd better tell Captain Moogreet about this immediately." Nulfar grabbed Zeke by the arm and hustled him off toward the bridge.

When they arrived they found Captain Moogreet standing on his chair shouting orders at various underlings who ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. His eyes fell on Nulfar and Zeke and he frowned. "Ah, wonderful. We are facing a crisis situation and you have brought the Earthling here where he can get underfoot. Perfect."

"The Earthling may have some information regarding the attack," Nulfar said.

"We have already identified the hostile ships as belonging to the army of our ancient enemy Zyvax the Intergalactic Destroyer of Worlds. What we don't know is how they knew to attack us. We are traveling incognito, after all. They should not have been able to identify our spacecraft as being Hooblerian in origin."

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