Augustine and I - Part Five

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“Ari! How’s the new place?” Marcy asked as I scrubbed the counter top.

“It’s great,” I nodded as I squeezed the water out of the rag. “It’s better than nothing. Thanks for loaning me the cash so I could get it. I really appreciate it, Marcy.”

“Ari! I told you that I would do anything for you,” she smirked. “I care about you. You’re like a son to me. How’s your mother?”

“She died, Marcy,” I said awkwardly running my fingers through my hair.

“Oh my god! Ari! When? When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell anyone? You’ve been working here?” Marcy exclaimed, running to grip me in a hug. She patted me on the back, not really, giving me a chance to answer her questions.

“Last week,” I sighed. “I was with her the entire time. She passed away in her sleep, Marcy. I don’t know – It was weird. I mean I thought I would be more broken about it, but there was something peaceful. I don’t know how to describe it, Marcy. When she died, it just felt like everyone was going to be ok from now on. It’s a weird feeling to describe. It’s like she’s watching over me, protecting me. She’s at rest now and she’s not any pain anymore.”

“That’s deep Ari,” Marcy said kissing me on the cheek. “If you need anything! Anything! Don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Don’t worry Marcy,” I smiled. “If I need anything, you’ll be the first person I call.”

“You got that right!” Marcy nodded as her eyes drifted to the screen. “Look! It’s the Prince and his fiancée! You know there getting married in three weeks. Isn’t that insane? God, that Prince Cristiano is a looker! Oh and Prince Theodore! He’s one handsome fellow too.”

I glanced at the screen at Cristiano. I sighed, my heart beating at just the sight of him. Marcy was right. Prince Theodore was gorgeous. I should have figured as much. I’m sure he and Cristiano would be happy. I bit my lip as I tossed the rag into the sink.

“My shifts done, Marcy,” I said tossing my apron off. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye,” she grinned as I walked out into the street. It was quite the walk to my apartment. I had sold my car to pay for my mother’s burial, so now my primary mode of transportation was my feet. I sighed as I wiped the sweat from my forehead, as I glanced up at the stars. It was pretty cold outside, so I decided to stop by the coffee shop in town. I rubbed my hands together, walking inside to grab my usual.

“Small coffee, cream, sugar?” the barista said a smile on her face.

“Yes,” I nodded, paying her quickly. I stood over to the other side, awaiting my coffee.

“Here you go, Ari,” she said handing the coffee to me. I gripped it in my hand, forgetting to grab a sleeve. I dropped it as it stung my hands.

“Crap,” I huffed as the girl from behind the counter rushed to grab a mop. I quickly placed napkins over it, trying to get it up as best as I could.

“Let me make you another one,” the barista said after she mopped it up.

“Thanks,” I nodded as I pulled out my wallet.

“You don’t have to pay, Ari,” she said sliding me another one. She smiled handing me a sleeve.

“Thank you so much,” I said grabbing a few napkins. Just as I walked out of the coffee shop, I felt someone’s hands on my shoulder.

“You dropped this,” a voice said from behind me handing me a napkin.

“Thanks,” I said turning around to see Cristiano. He had a hat on his head, heavy coat and a scarf – If I hadn’t known him personally, I wouldn’t have recognized him. I bit my lip, as I started walking down the street.

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