Chapter 1

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"Listen... I don't think this is going to work out between us."

I was devastated. It wasn't the first time a girl had dumped me and it sure as hell wasn't the second.

They always did it after they got what they wanted. They charmed me into thinking that they actually liked me, then they'd persuade me to give them what they wanted - not forgetting dropping me like dirty litter once they were done.

In the case of Lauren Sanders, she wanted an audition. She saw that my Dad was co-starring in a new movie and I was a vulnerable loser, so she took advantage. Wouldn't my Dad have known that her feelings weren't real? Shouldn't he have guessed by the amount of favours I have asked him for my girlfriend's?

I shouldn't really blame him though. It was my fault. I thought that maybe this time, it would be different. Maybe this time, somebody liked me for me. So I gave in to Lauren and got her an audition. Look where that got me: Dumped, again.

"What happened to me being the best boyfriend you'd ever had? Were you even mildly attracted to me?" I was beginning to become slightly frustrated, more with myself than Lauren. The amount of times I had fallen into the trap of all the beautiful and selfish women I had met was getting ridiculous.

How could I have been so stupid? Of course she only agreed to date me for an acting job. If not that it would have been for a photo shoot or fashion show. Those are the things I usually hear during a break-up. 'I only dated you so I could be in your Mom's fashion show' or 'I'm trying to make it in the acting world. I saw the opportunity and I took it. Obviously I'm a better actor than I thought... I fooled you, didn't I?' That one hurt the most.

"Please, like I could really date you for real. I mean you're totally not my type. I just really wanted that audition and now that I have it, there's no need to stick around," Lauren said the words casually. I don't think she even cared that she was trampling all over my heart.

"Not to mention, it's in California. Long distance relationships just aren't my thing," She stood up from our table and headed towards the exit of the fancy 5 star restaurant I reserved for us. "Thanks for the audition."

She turns to leave, but turns around once more. "Colby?"

"What?" I reply, my frustration subsiding and fatigue replacing it.

"You really are a great guy... Just not the right guy for me," she smiled at me and left the restaurant.

The waiter came and cleared our table leaving me the bill. I paid the $102.02 with my credit card and hastily picked up my jacket so I could leave the restaurant.

I hated when people stared at me, and that's exactly what every pair of eyes in there was doing. They're sympathetic eyes watched me stalk across the room and I was sure that as soon as I was out of ear shot, they would discuss my unfortunate situation with their dinner guests.

I spontaneously decided to wander around town, so when I reached the exit of the restaurant, I slipped on my jacket and the shades I had tucked into my shirt.

As I trudged along the sidewalk, I heard a scream echo behind me and I whipped around to see who it was. "Oh my God! You're Colby Evans!"

My parents and I live in a small town called Green Haven in California. A small town means less people, less people means less paparazzi. It's true - there was a lot less paparazzi, but in a small town like this one, everybody knows who you are. Since my Dad is an actor and my Mom's a supermodel, being known by everybody isn't exactly always a good thing.

"Tell me something I don't know, babe." I smiled brightly at the young blonde girl. I would have told her to get lost  considering the events of today, but that wouldn't exactly do wonders for my reputation.

"Oh God, you're so hot! Will you marry me?" She yelped, flapping her arms in the air wildly. "What am I saying? Of course you will!"

"Um, aren't you a little young to get married?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow. The girl looked about fifteen, a good six years younger than I was. Another thing that I wouldn't want people finding out.

"Maybe, but you'll wait for me, right?" She said. Her eyes sparkled with hope, as she stared up at me.

I chuckled and shook my head at her obsession over me. "Why don't I just sign something for you and maybe give you a picture or two?"

"EEP! That would be amazing!" She reached into her bag and pulled out a little bedazzled book, an autograph book most likely.

"What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Holly." She sang. She handed me a Sharpie and danced from foot to foot as she watched me sign her autograph book.

"Dear Holly, I love your eyes. Much love, Colby Evans." I signed my name and handed her the Sharpie back. "Ready for your picture?"

Her high-pitched squeal confirmed her answer and she whipped out a camera. I crouched next to her, wrapped an arm around her waist and smiled. Before she clicked capture on her camera, I surprised her with a peck on her cheek.

The camera flashed and she grinned at me, clutching her face where my lips had just been.

"Th-Th-Thanks, Colby," she stuttered.

"Anytime, Holly. I'll see you around, okay?" She nodded in astonishment and I winked at her before turning away and heading back to the restaurant car park to pick up my ride home. I hopped into my BMW, started it up, and made my way home.

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