Hank looked surprised for a moment before realization struck. “No way. How could they know about the…” he trailed off and Isaac knew he was talking about the Zelda project. Hank leaned further on the table and whispered, “The only people who knew about it are us three and the man who, you know, who Julian killed.”

“I know. But maybe he told someone before he died.” Isaac whispered back.

“That’s really unlikely. Do you know how valuable this program is? Anyone who knew about it would want it.” Hank hissed. “But Julian doesn’t have it anyway.” Hank proclaimed softly. He remembered the day they got arrested when Julian destroyed the Zelda rather easily. All the three hard years of procreating it was turned into a waste in a flash.

Hank shuddered at the memory.

“I think he is planning to remake it. You know, trade it for her” Isaac said.

“There’s no way he could do it in short time. It took us three freaking years.” Hank exasperated in a low voice.

“I know, but now he knew exactly what it is. He’ll only have to remake it. No need for creating new data. Just remembering the old ones.” Isaac said like it was oh-so-simple.

“Remember?” Hank exclaimed. “It has been four years!” he said and scrunched his eyes close, “He can’t do it, not alone.”

“Well I can’t help him with it because I don’t know shit about your shenanigans. And neither do you.”

“I might be able to…”

“NO!” Isaac bellowed and noticed one of the guards tense with alarm. He nodded apologetically before he leaned forward and whispered, “You can’t jeopardies your safety here. You know what will happen if the guards knew about you, or the mafia for that matter?” he watched as Hank looked away, his face stubborn.

“I must do something.” Hank said with determination. “I can. I know I can help him.”

“Is that it? Or is it just the thrill of going back and do what you loved doing?” Isaac asked angrily and Hank snapped his head around to glare at him.

“You don’t believe that I just want to help my friends. If this could be a chance for Joa…” Hank stopped and looked around again before he whispered, “If I can help her out in anyway, then I wound cower and stay back.” He said and leaned back on his chair, “Hell, I’m in prison anyway.” He smiled wickedly and Isaac had to blink couple of times in surprise. Wow, Hank did change.

Isaac smiled warmly at his friend and stood up, “well, then I can’t stop you.” He announced, looking down at him.

“Nop. You can’t.” Hank said and folded his arms above him and laid his head on his hands, beaming at Isaac.

“You are a very good friend.” Isaac said.

“So are you.” Hank smiled warmly and stood up as one of the guards approach him.

“Just try to be discreet about it.” Isaac said finally and turned to leave.

“I’ll do what I can.” Hank mumbled mostly to himself, watching his friend’s back as he left the visitor room.

“Hello, officer.” Joanna flashed her silly almost-girly smile at the police man who was positioned on an inspection point. They have successfully passed all gazillion ones and this one was the last one before they reached Carson. And they were not about to screw this one up.

“Hi there, ma’am.” The officer seemed like he liked what he saw and Joanna suppressed a laugh when she felt the man next to her fidget.

“Where are you folks heading too?” The officer asked, his smile pasted on his face.

Prison Chic #1st book of the Chics series (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now