The Librarian

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Kiku Honda, the only person Arthur Kirkland had ever formed affection for. Well that's ahead of the point, let's go back a while.

Arthur walked into the library, as a fast reader and someone who enjoyed reading he visited quite often. However, this would be a visit to the library he'd never forget. Standing behind the checkout desk was a new librarian he hadn't seen before. Not fully focusing on the new librarian he went about his daily library business, picking out books then taking them up to the checkout desk. Looking into the new librarian's deep brown eyes for the first time, he realized he was kind of cute. Silently he scolded himself, he couldn't have a crush on someone he hadn't even talked to. After thanking the librarian he quickly glanced at the boy's name tag which said Kiku Honda. When he arrived home he attempted to read, but he just couldn't stop thinking about the librarian. Thinking about it, he realized he would be going back to the library again tomorrow, so he would definitely see him again, maybe they would even talk.

Returning to the library the next day, Arthur went right up to the desk. "Hi, um..I'm Arthur. I noticed that you're a new librarian here and I just wanted to greet you since I'm a regular library patron," he said as he awkwardly waved at him.
"Shhh, don't you realize that you're in a library?" Kiku whispered back.
"Oh yeah..I guess I'll just be on my way then," he said as he walked into the abyss of the library.

Days passed, each day Arthur talked to Kiku more and more, which eventually led to small talk. The two talked about mostly anything, becoming better friends as the days went by. Still there was some kind of feeling Arthur knew was stirring inside him, some kind of romance. Knowing that he couldn't take it if Kiku didn't know about his feelings he decided to ask him out the next day.

The next day came and went, Arthur wasn't sure if he really wanted to go through with this, what if he broke their friendship, what if he was rejected? After pondering the matter to himself his mind had come to the decision, he had to ask Kiku out.

Today was the day, Arthur walked up to the desk, prepared to ask Kiku on a date. "Are you a library book? 'Cause I'm checking you out," he had panicked and had no idea what to say. 'Great going Arthur, you ruined it,' he thought to himself.
"What?," asked a confused Kiku
"Oh it was nothing, I'll be on my way now," Arthur slipped back into the library leaving Kiku confused.

The next day Arthur returned, " I like books, you like books, why don't we start writing the story of us?" Again he left Kiku confused. The process went on for days with awful lines such as, "If you were words on a page you would be what they call fine print," and, "Did I fall into an E.M. Foster novel? Because any room with you in it is a room with a view." Arthur decided to give it one last try. He walked into the library attempting to ask Kiku out for what seemed like the thousandth time, "Is your name Scarlett? 'Cause once I saw you my heart was gone with the wind,"
"What? My name is not Scarlett, it's Kiku," he replied. This was the worst disaster of them all. Finally giving up, Arthur was desperate to get Kiku to go out with him. His feelings for him had only built over the days he attempted to get him to go out with him. Because of his desperation he tried the only tactic he could think of that would work. "Kiku Honda! Would you like to go on a date with me?!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. Immediately he was shushed by all of the library's other patrons and even Kiku. He turned around and started walking out the door, looking defeated, but right before he reached the door he heard a quiet voice whisper back, "Yes Arthur, I will go out with you."
This was one of the happiest things Arthur had ever experienced, his heart felt as though it was going to leap out of his chest. Kiku Honda, the only one he ever had affection for said yes.

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