Another Life

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In the small town of Aeston lived two groups, Greasers and Socialites. Since these groups are so different they hardly ever get along. Any romance between them is forbidden, most socialization between the groups is forbidden unless it's on official terms. However our story isn't about these groups, in a way it is but not entirely. Our story is about a boy and a girl. No, they are not in love. They are from two different words, two different lives, it would never work between them.
The time was September 17th, 1951
Natasha walked down the street from the library back to her home on the west side of town. She arrived home to find her older brother Ivan and older sister Katyusha getting ready to go to the monthly meeting between the Greasers and the Socialites. Her brother and sister being leaders of the socialites naturally had to bring her along since she herself would soon lead as well.
"Natasha are you ready for today's meeting?" asked Katyusha as she started towards the door.
"As ready as I'll ever be," Natasha replied.
"Then let's go," said Ivan as he walked out the door. Katyusha followed closely behind him with Natasha tailing her.
Lukas walked through the door of the somewhat small house on the east side of town. Walking in he saw Matthias, Berwald, Tino, Lukas's younger brother Emil and the two youngest of their group, Peter and Erland. Even though they weren't the leaders of the Greasers they still all went to the meetings. "All right guys, are we ready to go?" Asked Lukas.
A chorus of "Yups" echoed through the room as the group walked out the door to the meeting point, a park in the middle of town.

As the two groups arrived at the park the usual arguments broke out. Arguments over territory, arguments about fights, from the view of someone on neither side it would would like they were arguing just to argue. Neither Lukas or Natasha were listening or paying attention. To them, the arguments were pointless. Still not paying attention Natasha's eyes began to scan her surroundings until she noticed a blonde haired boy with violet eyes. Walking over to him they started up a conversation. Turns out, the two had a lot in common. The two quietly snuck away from the others so they could continue to chat.

The ritual continued, every Greaser vs Soc meeting that was held the two would slip away to chat and avoid being concerned with the others arguing. If the others asked them where they had gone they would lie and say that they had wondered away. The ritual was always the same until one day Lukas had a peculiar question for Natasha. "Um, Nat. We've been hanging out for a while during these meetings and I thought I should maybe ask you um... do you want to be my girlfriend? It's okay if you say no I just thought that since we've hung out so much we could maybe date."

"I don't see why not, I mean what's the worst that could happen?" Relieved that she had said yes Lukas breathed a sigh of relief. The meeting was coming to a close so the were expected back any minute.

As more meetings were held the others began to become suspicious that something was going on between Natasha and Lukas. Unsure of what was going on they held a fake meeting to confirm their suspicions. As soon as the others were sure the two had left they ended the meeting and followed behind the two. When they finally stopped they saw that Natasha and Lukas were indeed together. Both groups were outraged. Romance was forbidden between the groups, but nonetheless Natasha and Lukas broke the rules. Immediately the two groups began to yell at the couple. But through all of the yelling and confusion Natasha and Lukas weren't bothered by it. Sure, they were from two different lives, but who says being from different worlds makes you so different. Natasha and Lukas didn't mind the disapproval. They were happy as long as they had each other, happy as long as they were together.

Hetalia OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now