A Winter Hymn

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Feliciano and Ludwig, the perfect couple living the perfect life. It was December, only a few days until Christmas, Christmas spirit filled the air as well as Christmas music from the apartment the two shared.
From the radio a song could be heard playing, I was following the pack all swallowed in their coats with scarves of red tied round their throats. To keep their little heads from falling in the snow And I turned round and then you go, and Michael you would fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime.
After the song had finished some kind of news report came on about a tragic car crash, Feliciano, one who did not enjoy hearing of tragic events, changed the station to another Christmas station. The couple had hung up their Christmas tree and were just putting the finishing touches on the decorations.
"Ludwig, do you think we have enough decorations?" Asked the auburn haired Italian.
"Yes, we're almost done decorating," the tall German responded.
"When will we make cookies?"
"Sometime soon." As the two finished decorating they started to get out the supplies for cookies. They soon had made cookies in all varieties, peppermint pinwheels, chocolate chip, peanut butter blossoms, gingerbread, sugar cookies in Christmas shapes, cookies in every shape and size imaginable.
The days went by until Christmas, only five days left. The two did some last minute Christmas shopping, socks with music notes on them for Roderich, a new frying pan for Elizaveta, four more books for Gilbert, anew cookbook for Lovino and an ugly Christmas sweater for Japan. As the two were driving home with the radio on, the song playing caught Feliciano's attention. ...And Michael you would fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime. Disturbed by the strange lyrics once again he quickly changed the channel. When they arrived at the apartment Feliciano made hot chocolate while they watched "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer."
Now it was only two days until Christmas, most of the cookies had been eaten by visitors, mostly Gilbert, so the two decided to bake more cookies as to not run out before Christmas. The radio was on playing its Christmas music once more. ...fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summer time. Quickly Feliciano changed the channel before Ludwig could notice. The two finished baking their cookies and then settled down for another Christmas movie marathon.

At last it was Christmas Eve, Ludwig had gone out to get something, some kind of very last minute gift. Feliciano spent the evening alone, waiting for Ludwig's return. As it got later he got worried, but finally decided that it was best to sleep and trust that Ludwig would be back in the morning.
Five am, the phone began to ring. Feliciano picked it up, on the other end was a frazzled Roderich, "Feliciano, I hate to tell you this but, Ludwig has died in a car accident." The phone toppled to the floor, Feliciano fell to his knees in sorrow. Today would not be the Christmas he had hoped for.
Feliciano woke up, it was Christmas Day. He began to remember his strange dream, his dream where Ludwig was there with him for December. The truth was, Ludwig had died December first, in a tragic car accident, he was flung out of the car and onto the snow covered road, an accident no one would have survived. Feliciano went to the Christmas tree, his friends and family had brought gifts over before Christmas, he decided to open them. After opening each gift he made a cup of coffee. Although it was Christmas, he wasn't going out today, he would stay inside. His friends called him, wishing him a Merry Christmas, inviting him to Christmas parties, sending their condolences. Still he would not go out, today would not be the Christmas he had hoped for. And then he heard it, that song, that White Winter Hymnal, far off in the distance. And Michael you would fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime...

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