"I'll always be there for them, I just won't be the leader I won't be part of the gang but that doesn't mean I won't see them ever again." He assured
"Understand that you and this baby are my one priority right now." He whispered
"The babys already is going to have a dad with piercings and tattoos." He sighed
"I just don't want them to have a father who's a gang leader." He mumbled
"Crawford." I caressed his cheek

"No matter what this baby is gonna love you." I assured he smiled
"Not as much as I love you but." I said he chuckled
"But it will love you so much." I said pecking his lips
"Cause your amazing." I whispered
"I love you." He said leaning in
Just as we were gonna kiss his phone rang
"Fuck." He groaned grabbing it and answering
"What?" He asked sitting up

"Dude I was gonna spend the day with LeAnn." He groaned sitting up
"Shit." He mumbled standing up I frowned
"I'll be right there." He said hanging up
"I'm sorry." He sighed
"What happened?" I asked he bit his lip
"Jessica, Xavier's ex remember her?" He asked
"Yea." I nodded
Wait ex? They broke up?
"She shot Tyler." He frowned
"What?!" I gasped

"He's ok though right?" I asked he nodded
"She wants to kill me." He chuckled
"Crawford this isn't funny." I spat
"I know babe." He said grabbing my hand making me stand up
"I'm gonna be ok, nothing will happen to me baby." He said pecking my lips
"I'm gonna be out for a few hours stay here ok? And knowing how fucking stubborn you are." He said I giggled and bit my lip

"If you decide to go out, Marco is outside don't push him away got that?" He ordered
"Yes dad." I said sarcastically he rolled his eyes and kissed me
"Call me daddy." He winked
"Eww Crawford!" I hit his chest he laughed
"I'm kidding baby." He said pecking my lips
"But I'm serious babe, don't push him away he's here to protect you." He said

"Like he was at that grocery store?" I asked his eyes went wide
"What?" He asked
"Nothing." I shook my head
"LeAnn what did you say?" He asked clenching his jaw
"Just forget it." I said pushing him away
"Fuck LeAnn." He groaned grabbing my wrist
"What did you say?" He spat
"Y-You're hurting me." I flinched

"Baby." He frowned letting me go
"Oh my god baby I'm sorry." He said caressing my wrist I shook my head
"It's ok." I mumbled
"It's ok? LeAnn I hurt you." He frowned
"I just shouldn't have brought it up." I said caressing his cheek
"You were the one that dropped that can of vegetables huh?" He asked
"They hate me." I groaned he chuckled and shook his head

"You're so clumsy baby." He pecked my lips
"Vegetables hate me ok? Blame them not me." I defended
"Nothing can ever hate you." He said caressing my cheek
"Go stop stalling." I giggled
"I just want to be with my girl." He pouted
"I'm all yours but Tyler needs you." I said pecking his lips
"What is it? Like his second time getting hurt." He chuckled I rolled my eyes

"Just go dork." I said pushing him away softly
"I love you." He said kissing my cheek. He grabbed his jacket and put it on before walking away
"I love you too!" I yelled back
"I love you more baby!" He yelled back as the door closed. I bit my lip and shook my head. I sighed and walked upstairs and changed into some black leggings and a hot pink crop top. I put on a grey and black jacket over it and slipped on my combat boots

I put on three coats of mascara and some dark velvet red lipstick. I put on some rings that Crawford bought for me which by the way I didn't ask for
I grabbed my hair in a ponytail and put a bow clip on top. I put on my blue pendant necklace along with song tiny diamond heart stud ear rings. I grabbed my galaxy backpack and put it on my back. I walked downstairs and got one of Crawford's car keys
"Where you going?" Marco asked as I unlocked the car
"Hair salon." I said simply as I got in

Love Won't Help You ✖ Crawford Collins [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now