Friends....Sort Of

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Crawford's POV

"What do you mean you don't know? I told you to take her home!" I yelled at Marco and slammed my hands on the table
"It's just I didn't see her leave." He said
"Fuck Marco, something could have happened to her." I said angrily
"Move!" I yelled pushing past him and walking up to Tyler's room maybe he knows if she left or not

I didn't bother knocking because it's my house. I walked in to see Tyler and LeAnn all snuggled up
"What the fuck?!" I yelled angrily
"Dude!" Tyler groaned trying to sit up
"You're coming with me." I said grabbing LeAnn's arm and pulling her out of the room
"Crawford you're hurting me." She whimpered

I ignored her and walked into my office and pushed her on a chair
"I was fucking worried about you and you were all comfy with Tyler!" I yelled angrily
"What's wrong with you!" She yelled
"Don't you fucking yell at me LeAnn!" I yelled back
"I can yell at you if I want to! You're not the boss of me!" She yelled

"You're in my house!" I yelled
"We didn't even do anything!" She yelled
"I don't give a damn you're mine not his!" I yelled
"I'm not yours! I'm not an object Crawford! I'm a person!" She yelled
"You're mine and that's final!" I spat
"No I'm not!" She yelled standing up
"I'm not yours and I never will!" She spat

"Fuck this." I mumbled walking over to her and kissing her
"Stop." She mumbled pushing me away
"You don't want that." I whispered kissing her neck
"C-Crawford I'm serious." She stuttered
"You're so biopolar." She said pushing me away
"First you're yelling at me and then you start kissing me." She said

"I have problems." I shrugged and kissed her again
"Crawford please stop." She mumbled
"Fine! Leave I'll find a girl who's better than you! I don't need you when I have girls all over me!" I spat angrily
"Then go with your sluts." She said and walked out
"Fuck!" I yelled throwing a vase across the room

Why did I say that?
No other girl could make me feel like LeAnn does
I'm so stupid

"Lee wait!" I yelled following her
"Leave me alone Crawford!" She spat with so much hatred in each word
"Babe." I mumbled grabbing her hand amd making her face me
"Don't cry." I whispered wiping her tears away
"I hate you." She mumbled
"Please don't say that, I didn't mean anything I said Lee no girl makes me feel like you do." I said caressing her cheek

"How? You don't even like me Crawford." She spat
"That's not true, I like you a lot please I'm sorry." I said. She looked at me with tears in her eyes I frowned
"Baby please don't cry." I said to her she shook her head
"I hate...that I'm falling for you again." She mumbled I smiled
"I never stopped actually." She added and sighed

"But I don't want to get hurt again." She said
"You won't." I said caressing her cheek
"Yes I will!" She said pushing me away
"I always get hurt, I'm not meant to be happy." She mumbled looking down
"Babe don't say that." I said lifting her face
"You deserve nothing but happiness." I pecked her lips

"Crawford." She mumbled
"LeAnn please let me show you how sorry I am." I said kissing her softly. She cupped my cheek and kissed back. I couldn't help but smile. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer
"Jump." I mumbled into the kiss she jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist. I started walking upstairs without breaking the kiss

I walked into my room and closed the door with my foot. I laid her down on my bed and hovered her
"Crawford." She moaned as I sucked on her neck
"You're so beautiful." I mumbled and kissed her
"Crawford." She giggled
"Someone is very ticklish." I teased she hid in my neck I chuckled

"Your hands are cold." She said
"Oh I'm sorry let me warm them up." I said putting them on her belly
"Crawford!" She yelled pushing me off I fell to the floor and burst out laughing
"I hit a funny bone." I laughed she giggled
"Oh my god." She laughed and helped me up
"Who knew the bad boy could be all lovey dovey." She teased

Love Won't Help You ✖ Crawford Collins [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now