Alex: May 29,2013

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From the desk of Alex Conners: May 29, 2013 

The blonde, whose name i learned was Niall, came back inside and hugged her.  

"I really appriciate you bringing the picture back and coming by again. I must apologize for Katie. She can be a handful." I said 

"It's not a problem. She looks like a lot of fun." Cori said 

"We better get back. The other are probably looking for us." Niall interjected. 

We all stood up, Cori still holding Layla. 

"Feel free to come by anytime." I said, reaching out for Layla. 

"I will thank you." Cori said, handing her over. 

"Say goodbye Layla." 

"Bye bye!" She gigged, chewing on my finger. 

"Bye sweetie." Niall said, leaving with Cori 

I took Layla into the nursery, changing her.  

"Wanna go for a ride princess?" I asked, snapping her onesie together. 

"Yes mama!" She said. I chuckled picking her up. 

"Where do you wanna go?" 


"Park it is. Want to get a puppy first?" 

"Yes! Puppy!" 

"Boy or girl?" 


I gigged at her and picked her up off of the changing table.I grabbed her diaper bag, and our jackets; going to the car, fastening her in her car seat. I got in and we went to find the perfect little boy puppy. We searched the entire store before she finally chose one. 

"Mama! This one!"  

"You want that one?" 


"Alright that one it is." 

She picked him up and cuddled him as I chuckled lightly. 

"You like him?" 

"Yes mama." 

"What's his name?" 




"Well alright."  

We got the puppy and everything he would need before we left towards the park. While there I noticed a few figures coming over towards us. I recognized the curl one right away. The quiffs I had a little more trouble with. 

"Well, hey there stranger." Harry said 

"Hey Harry. Guys. How are you?" 

"We're good." Liam replied. 

"Am I to guess you are looking for Cori?" 

"We were." Louis said 

"Ah, well she and Niall left my place about an hour and a half ago." 

"Mind if we sit with you?" Liam asked. 

"Not at all." 

I picked Layla up, placing her in my lap as they say down. 

"So how is this little angel today?" Harry asked me. 

"She's been an angel so far." 

"She looks sweet. Can I hold her?" Louis asked 

"Layla want to go to Louis.?" 

She nodded lightly and reached out for him. 

"Looks like i've been replaced." I said. 

"Lub you mama." Layla said, pulling Louis hair 

"Layla, don't pull hair." 

"She's fine. It doesn't hurt. Lux does it all the time." 


"She's our hair person. Her daughter's name is Lux." 

"Sounds like a cute gal." 

"She's adorable." Harry said. 

"Well, I better get Layla and Desai back home." 

"Desai?" Liam asked. 

"Layla's puppy."  

I looked over and he was curled up beside Liam, asleep. 

"Awe looks like he's taking a liking to you Liam."  

"Looks that way." 

I took Layla back standing up. 

"We'll have to do this again sometime soon."  

"We agree." They said in unison. 

"Bye guys!" 

I picked up Desai, putting both Layla and Desai into the car. We started to head back home. 

"Daddy! We're home!" I yelled 

"In the kitchen!" He yelled back  

We walked in. 

"Daddy, say hello to Desai." 


"Layla named him."

"Oh well welcome to the family little Desai." 

He barked and licked him. 

"He likes you dad." 

Layla reached out for Dad.  

"Gwandpa!" She said 

"Hello Angel dove." He said, taking her from me. 

"She loves grandpa." I said aloud 

"And I love her."  

"So yesterday, you were clearly upset. Why?" 

"Let me put her down then we'll talk." 


He left only to return minutes later.  

"So spill what's wrong?" I inquired. 

"Sit down." He said simply.  

"Dad. What's wrong?" 

"I don't have much longer. I have been fighting cancer for a while now." 

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"I didn't want you to worry." 

"So telling me was what? A way not to make me worry?" 

"I know and you're right. I should have told you." 

"Ya think?!" 

"Please just we can deal with this." 

"I don't know if I can." 

"I know you can. I believe in you. Just like your mother did." 

"I'm gonna go for a run." 

I stomped up into my room putting on my sweats. I needed this run. It would do me good. Now more than ever. That was just fucking perfect. The only parent I had I was about to lose for real. I paused to take a breath of air and stretch. I saw a park. It looked like it had been abandoned. It reminded me of situation. Soon it would be just Layla and I. She was my universe. Was? She always would be, no matter what. She's my angel. I sat on the rusty swing and just started crying my eyes out. I sighed trying to stop but I just couldn't. This is not the way I pictured my life. I had dreams I wanted to follow but now I have Layla and a new dream. To be the BEST mother I could be to her. If a guy comes around so be it but if not then oh well. Layla was my top priority and maybe one day that right guy will come along and Layla will love him. That's all I want is to give her someone that wil love her even though she isn't is. I know that I would give up anything to make sure she has whatever she needs. She's my miracle, my blessing, and my ittle piece of heaven right here on earth. I just hope I can do a good enough job like my dad has done.

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