Alex: May 28, 2013

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From the Desk of Alex Connors May 28, 2013

It was way too early in the morning for any energetic excercises and I honestly don't see how Katie had so much energy. She ran in the bedroom, shaking me violently. I groaned, ignoring her; continuing to sleep. 

"ALEX! ALEX! ONE DIRECTION IS HERE!" Katie screamed at me.

"Who needs directions where?" I mumbled, half-asleep.


"Who?" She sighed dramatically, and pulled me off the bed.

"KATIE! Owwie. That hurt. Meanie mean head," I growled, rubbing my head.

"I don't care," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Alright. Alright. I'm up." I stood up grabbing my glasses; too lazy to put in my contacts this early. I had fully planned to beat her until her brain was all over the floor but I decided against it. I pulled on the little Hello Kitty Uggs that Dad got me for Christmas. I rolled my eyes at her and followed her to the door.

"Katie, if you woke up Layla at eight in the morning I will kill you like you are a zombie trying to eat my brain," I said darkly. 

"No you won't," she laughed.

"I'm tired, cranky, my face hurts, seeing your face makes my head hurt, you have a shrill voice, and I have a two year old trying to sleep." I turned my attention to the door. "Who are you and what is so spectacular about you that made her pull me into the floor at eight in the morning?"

"Oh I'm sorry. We didn't mean to wake you," the familiar blonde spoke.

"It's fine. I needed to get up anyway. What are your names anyway?" The girl opened her mouth to speak, but Katie cut her off.

"How do you not know who One Direction is?" Katie screamed again.

"Because I apparently live under a rock like Patrick Starr alright?"

"Works for me."

"You guys can come in if you'd like." I opened the door wider. "In fact I insist since you had to deal with Katie being an idiot." They walked inside.

"So um this is Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Cori. I'm Harry," the curly-haired kid said.

"I'm obviously Alex and that's Katie." Layla started crying. I cut my eyes at Katie before smacking her. I got up and went to the nursery, getting Layla.

"And this little cutie is Layla." Katie said, taking her from me. I sighed.

"So why are you guys here?" I asked

"Um, Cori has something that belongs to you." Harry spoke.

"What is it?" The small blonde finally pulled her gaze away from Layla to pull out a picture, handing it to me.

"Isn't that--" Katie started, but the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," I whispered, holding the picture tight in my hand. It was a reminder of a happier moment in my past. A moment I might never get back. I opened the door and a guy was standing there holding a package.

"This is for you," he said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I don't know." I took the package, opening it as he walked away. I pulled out the stack of papers leaning against the door frame. 

"Dad wasn't kidding," I said out loud to no one in particular.

"What's wrong, cupcake?" Katie questioned.

"He signed away his rights to Layla. Every. Single. One."

"How could he do that?"

"Easily apparently." I sighed throwing the papers in the garbage and taking Layla from Katie.

"That's alright. We don't need that asshole do we, Layla? No we don't. We can do just fine on our own," I whispered holding back my tears the best I could. 

"I didn't think he'd actually do it," Dad said.

"Oh hi Daddy. He did. I got the papers a few minutes ago."

"I'm sorry. I'm going to go run some errands. See you later."

"Be careful. Love you!"

"I love you too." He walked out leaving me clutching Layla. 

“Um Alex?” Katie asked softly finally pulling me from my thoughts. “Everyone is still in the living room.”

“Right,” I sighed. “Let’s go check on them.” We were halfway back to the living room when we saw the curly-haired kid, whose name I think was Harry, talking to the small blonde. Was her name Cori? 

“She needs help Harry,” Cori pled looking up at him with teary eyes. “We can help her even if it is just babysitting. You guys have a whole year off to just relax remember?”

“Exactly,” Harry groaned. “It’s a year to relax after so many back to back tours. Not a year to help you turn some stranger into your dead sister because they look similar.”

“You brought me here Harry.”

“I brought you here to give her back her picture. She is not Celeste!” I couldn’t take it anymore. 

“Who is Celeste?” I asked forcing them both to look up and acknowledge me. 

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