The End

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So this is it....the End. It sounds so intimidating though. It has been a good while we've been together, and now I'm moving on.
Yeah! No! I'm not that depressing. I hope to see you guys in my new book "Art 2" where I'll be testing out new types of art, not just anime, and hopefully show my art to more people! So enough with the talking let's jump right into the SHOUTOUTS!
@CapsUnlock_ you were my first reader! With the exception of my friends of course. Your votes and comments were my first! Thank you so much for that!
erasertail you made my day by telling me that you were inspired by my art! I never would have thought anyone would ever tell me that, since I've only been drawing for two months when you said that. You have your own awesome art book, and you've become an amazing artist! Best of all, you stood by my side the whole way. Thank you!
jimjim01234 well, I'm not sure what to say. You're my childhood bestie, we've known each other for forever, but even if you live over three hundred miles away, you still manage somehow to push me past my limits over the Internet, which I thought was never possible. With your never ending sarcastic critiques and eye for minor detail. I thank you.
djkjben6 yep that's you. You are also my awesome bestie. Together with jimjim we make the perfect trio! You've only commented on my art offline, but trust me, they've gotten through the thick skull of mine. Though they aren't as funny as jimjim's but they give me ACTUAL help. LOL. Thank you for that.
pikachews well hello! You are an awesome friend both online and off. You're always giving encouragement and kind words to me no matter how horrible my art looks. Basically you're the direct opposite of jimjim. You guys even each other out! I'm very proud to be your friend! Also to everyone reading this, THIS GIRL HAS AMAZING WRITING SKILLZ! You should check out her book Abnormals on her profile and follow here since her writing is amazing!
@loveofbookwriters you have been an awesome support to me for this book! You tell everyone that my art is awesome and sometimes it make me really shy and nervous, but deep down I really appreciate it! You should write something of your own soon!
pokenaruto58 you have been here voting on all my stories for the entire book! I really appreciate your support!
TheOtakuNerd your contests are amazing and so is your art! You were also the first prize winner of my first contest!
b3z4r1u5 you've only come to know me recently, but since then, you had vote for my book and joined my cover contest! You made the beautiful cover for my contest book and I thank you for that!
@AllanaTang I suggested you and I do an art trade and you accepted. It was my first art trade and even though I took forever to draw my part you never complained. Even when it came out horrible you said you loved it! Thank you for that.
@Arctic_Sky you made my book cover for this book, the main thing that brought readers to my book. You've contributed more than I could have hoped with your awesome cover!

Also.....THANK YOU TO MY 89 followers! I'm so sorry I couldn't name every one of you, but just know that I really appreciate your support for me!

I'm so sorry to anyone who requested anything in this book. I haven't been able to get to any of them. Since so many of the people have already left this book, and I can't keep track of everyone I'll have to terminate all of the request. Again, I am sorry. Winners of the contest 1! Please don't fret, your requests are still valid, since it's your prize. They will be in my new art book so please look there for your requests.

So this is goodbye! I'll see you in my new art book!

Don't forget to vote!

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