A very sucky Yato

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Well I'm really sorry sammyhammy32 this horrible thing of a drawing, but I hope you still like it?
I'm not going to public school! We made a last minute decision to keep homeschooling.
Also a NAME REVEAL! If you have looking at the comments section recently you might have been seeing some comments that have hints to what my name is and I guess I'll just announce it publicly, my name isn't "Michi" it's actually Michelle. Yeah, I know so hard to tell right? I have also been christened with the name of "Michelley", "Mochi", "Little Rice" etc. However if you don't know me personally or if I never gave you permission to use these names, don't use them. I AM VERY SENSITIVE TO WHAT PEOPLE CALL ME, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
And shout outs to these amazing authors whose awesome talents haven't been discovered yet....
Their works are amazing and while your at it, if you are a Soul Eater fan......

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